Page 61 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 61
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 16 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Feb. 17, '25 st. Valentine's Day Ends With iGirls' Varsity Basket Ball Team[lnitial FundStarted For "Greater Delightlul Party I Defeats Gettysburg Western Maryland" Campaign I "Your V,I,,,U,, I, t,ll and ratr, 'VIIso u And .lIn,," St", F" Cu·'d" I W. W. CI,," r'eesents Presldent, W"d With Curl~~:~~,~~~~~g~\~rn~~~~ ~~d..~~,~P!~dh~,~;I fel~~;han~ej~~.~.~~ t~a~:!'sll~a~~~t~\oa~r!~~ I On W"dnes::;lII~~'~~;n~~te~ebrUary11, ed" to the Y. 'V. room ,tn McDaniel Hall on good luck. weetern jaaf-ytaud girls' ,baskell Doctor 'Ward received a letter trom'the W varenune'e night. To greet you as you 'ball team won Its first indoor game of the, W. Orub promising to donate one hundred entered was a hooth of Val~llllnes from season, in the college gym last Wednesday dollars on Friday, March the twenty-elghth, which you selected the 'beat and prettiest to attaruoon. by a score of 33~16, Their 011- for the "Greater weatem Maryland" fund send YOUl' "true love," And the postmaster noneuts were the plucky team ho~) Geltys- President Ward acknowledged this "promt- in Amonrvtjle P. -0. sent it by special, coo. burg couere. rl'Irough out.played after the sory note" the ronowmg day expressing his by little white and red cupid messengers. first few minutes, the visitors put up a good gratturde to me cJU1bfor Its sincere tnterest No where else can snecrnts be sent for only fight. aml diapluyed fine teamw-ork and in this tr-emendous project or theIr coueee. one r-ant. pass work throughout. stanrrer scored tor and also for the ennruetasm they have (111;- Lots of fun was afforded by the grab-nag, the visitors. "Ginny" Wilson played her played In former times toward the varfouu tor is it not time to laugh, when the boys usual brilliant game, shooting eight field activities. pull darners, and the girls (the bobbed goals and three fouls. The money to make good this' note is to heir ones) packs of hair pins? But the un-I The game started with Wilson and :>.lars1l be extracted from the very jaws of the col- suspecting are ever Inred by the aph-it of forwardS'IMcA.lPin and Lejza r guards, LaUd-liege ueetr. That sounds like an outrageous- adJv-elltul'e, and the grab bag proved very er and Roaenstcck In center. gnbattt utlcns ly propostroue atatemeut. but It simply poputar. were Allnutt for Marsh, Brown for Rosen- means that the girls of tne W. W. Club are :.\lany a secret was discovered by the stock, and Stonefo!' Brown, Bevard tor going 10 earn al], the nromteec sum. without the gypsie~, wiltic war dall(."e was executed Iby Misses }'n~f, Quillt }'rom Brldg.ewnt6r, Vn.. "Fulls slot, A peppy orchest) a Is always appre- Sp6dden, Brat, Brown, aud Hughlette. II Before I)U1.1.llllg Offense of Silroyer's :Iated. althougll It cannot always ,be used: was accompanied by blood-curdllng war Jfen. to advant~ge. . , I whoop!!', An old fashioned barn dance lent The Ibasketball five or Bridgewllter Col- "he waItresses aurl cumly girls sen'lng !lep and gaiety to the pragram. Among le"'e traveJ1.ed ull the way from somewh-ere ice crell.m and cake were ll!tra~.livelY some of the eXlle)'t jiggers were "Em" A.ll- In"'Vil'glnia to fall belfore the fast offense of d.r-essed In whIte, lind trimmed III h'eal'ts. nutt, Ethel Horney, Betty NOl'mand, LelIa I the Western :\1al'yland five to .the score of ;~~;;;;;~.g o~;o~;e e~~\~; s~~~~:iV~~I~he ::~~~~ ~~t:. i~n~\);ne~~I~;~~I~lll~fT~~en~I~~ti~~~rt~~)! 1 ~1~~l~'a~~~~~i~-e~ill;~~~:' h~:~e~t~rytet~eO~I~: th('r~ rlangled h-earts: even trom th~ .coat Tango, danced by Margaret Relllec,ke~', an;~ Igi!lla boys. "Denny" Young pocketed two .~I-e,e\eSof same of the bo,Vs, The splnt of Helen ,Billie!', 1'hey made quite a Illt. Dot in rapid succession, and Smith followe[\ SaHli Valentine was prel'alent, and even the GillIgan and Fr~nces Andrews brought ~he with a pair putting the Terrors In th-e lead. most inpeIl"Ctrable heart was' touched, audience Iback to present Hmes by (]uncmg Bridg-ew:lter followed suit with an equal The Y g'rls were gl'eatly pleas-ed with th,e several of the mod-ern st-eps in quite the numbel'. Then followed a nlp-and-tuck ~~IC~~~s~; ~~s~a~frg~~j~ ~:~t~~;l t~~~r~d~~ I ~~~:~~~'~inS~~I:t\\;~Ss~e~llo ~~~t~:'eby()tBe\~; I:ff:~:~ugnot!i~~~h~I~~eG~f~\II~I~~I~t~~adl\;~~:; social cammlttee. Phillips, Ice cream and cak,e were the put the W, :\1.five again in tbe lead, ___ ~_ finishing touches ,to a most enjoyable a.fter- The second half was a repetition of the Wt:STEB~ 71rAUl'LANn 1,OSt;S GUEA'I' firSt. with last guarding on both sides hal (1- fo'OO'l'UALI. t:Nn lug the score dowu, snid team for three y-ears, and nev~r misse(l Weigle and !Capt. WillIams were the in- Playing for lIan'ay Hull, \'lIr~lty Eml tor Two Years, a scheduled game. the 1924 season, West-ern divit1\wl stars, Their ~,ast guarding was the he was Maryl.nn(j during clluse r:lr much favorable comment Oll the Fore!"l! Tn Cure For .'nmll,r. Wf'~lel'lI Jhlryian«l LMllIg Great }:ud. impregnable at his em], and was nnhampere(l !;Illl'tof the faus, "Denny" Young was the Harvey Hull, Vars'ty el)(I ror two years. by injllries during the entire playing sea- seol'lug slar with 4 field goals and 3 out of und mentioned for AIl-),1aryland for Lhe son. Both Bucknell anll CarnegIe Te<:h 4 tosses from tho fifteen-foot st!'ip. same number of rears. has beeu called ho.m-e picked him as a very versatile end, aud nn aCCOllnta.t a se'Ve)'e lllness in famIly, hailed him as a coming star for the Green CO-lUIS OIlG,\NIZt; FOR DiTt:U-Cl,,\SS colltlg-eI Western :.\1.nryland ,losing a sterling eud BASKt:T HAI,I. for the 1!l2:i season, Coach Shroyer, upon As a student, he stood among the Oest in learning thoe condition af Hall this moru- the Junior Class, and is' recognized on the Varsity Girls !fa Be 11arr611 .'rolll Cla.~~ lug made a simple but terse comment, "Wej campus as a clean Cout,all-around GUllies. have lost an -end thnt would have set State man, H~ leaves the campus with the l'egret However, In spite of the whole-hearted football on fire In another season," of the college. and with the llOpe that con- cooperation with the Varsity, class riv~ll'Y Hon hailed rrom Chorlotte Hall Mllitary (11tlon.swill allow him io return to finish hi~ anrl class spirit are. seeth;ng to the high€;st Academy, where he received his prepping college CaU)'Be, an(l to play his quota of [Joint amon~ the gll'ls, Tnter-eluss hasket In font1HIIl. Hf' II'ns a In('mber of I.he nfol'e- rOlll' \"I.'-or!!foothnJI. (Continued (1\) Illig-AIhr('e,)
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