Page 59 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. Western Mar~land College BUG NEWS (ConHulled from I)!lge four.) COJ,L};Gf<; CIiAT'l'En Garre~an Students I I Prot-Groton, what is your urat name? ~1~~~I~:~~.while maueuvering on the Ice the "Pete" "a I'll. John 'l'OhY-":Vlister_."___ are welcomed by All };ssuy On E'rogs. What II wonderful Ibiru the frog are! 'Myers and wllson give promise or being WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE I When he stand he sit almost. When he hop ~~~~~y ~~~~re~~~~~;: A new song has he fly almost. He D:lu't got no sense hardly. Nusbaum & Jordan ~ees~~,u~egs~~~I~!~I!th::~r~,t~!\er;ll1l:~~n Fl'~~~~~~!B~i~l~~~~)il:.O~~~!sf~~et~~ ~:edIl~~ Dry Goods & "Ready To wear" I Parlor was held In the open Sunday, cottege song. Colonel Leg makes uebut. entertained lit n feed gtrte. Elna 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET The cholq,e now lies between Single nee weuneaday Spittler night in honor or Miss Thelma and shingled wife. Conely, II new Sophomore. Great "eats!" gamest Pasctuattug Strange always bow bakers Have you seen? I they most knead themselves, sell what The "Delta" sure m!ss' LOll Crossman, Sign tn Ku xtuxer'a office window "Will who is at home taking a roucu needed rest. The New WALK-OVER OXFORDS be bauk alone. Out to Lynch," IIt"~!::nr;;~I~g:~ln::rr;I::~i~~~edn:~I:t."D~~:~ "There goes 15c to the dogs;" he said 're fer ye Ginny, they ain't agin ye! I when he paid for the shine. for Men and Women, a New Wide Toel --- neuu Sigmll ,Ku!)pn Holds l'16d~e Servtce. :-'10nday evening the Alpha Chapter or the "Have you heard the new Tango Song?" DelwSigma Kappa held its pledge service. "No, What's that?" J. Thomas Anders i "Tnu-genua Rain No 1.10." The seven nrcsnecuve the ,I. U, G. colora for "sisters': were very o;lad to exchange "Ginny" Pittman upon arrlvlug lit the Delta Sigma kenna pledge rnne. ____ ~~. ~_~ tntu-marv: "['m afraid my 'grippe' Is going The plerlgea were: bJli7.aiJeth Davis, I ILO tur-n into a week-end case. l!:llzaheth Norman. Grace Kelbaugh. Louise J. I. MYERS A mother and her smult son we're Ira vel- Houghlctte, Mary Elna Spittler, Edith Lynch, Kattu-yn Jarrell. WA'I'('II )IAKEIt ~~gt~~ ti.;~e~~~~! ~~i~J~\h;'f~~rt!:e~~:~a~ (~~~~ Hilda Yeung spent the week-end with this to his mother: Eluuore c\1usgrove. 1;,.1110;."luJu St. "~'other when wlH we get to Attie's ~_~ __ ~ ~_~I ho,~~1~ti'~,, my son. what (10 you te:~\;~;I:a~~f~'I~~aic~:~s Ml:~ :~~l~~~rr's s~~~;; ,1I'S1' ~OW WE JlAVJo: SJoa'EII,\I, mean'!" Satmday night. Judging from the lime "Why mother, yOIl said we. wore going to ther got :!wek they must have hlld a Hne BAU(lADiS IN See Attie." lime, ('0 Itfl:'\' ,\ '1'1'1' E W I{ 1'1'10:liS SOQh-Suy, got a cigareLle'! The !l'rcat worry of lhe Senior Class la~t FI'osh-Sure, wllut to see It? week was that the world would come to an Bonsack's Store I Dr.StepQens-"What Is a good definition end )lerOI'e tile Alnmni Banquet But fale WRS i,jud and seemed to feel as thoy did, ~~-~~_~~ __ ~~ I of I~P~,~~.i~e:~mlllre sir, is a variety' of i.he ~~l~~'~,~\~.L't~:~ti~;~e f~:~I~sIO~\~o:I~lnr~a~'~~~; ! ~~:I:l:e aSt~~~~~lel:~'1tIL~~On~l~~~er!n~ ~~Ill;~;~ ~~~~ILd~S~~~CI~~ll~~all~~tl~~p~l~fonE~:IS~:le;~e\- Brllve the Rtorm find ride the gnle. 1lIUlntalll the dlglllUed UCI\UleSCCnt or n than thll. partlcljlUlloLl bULthat was not the What If now alIt! thell .VOlifail? tltCJnlOS bottle (;l,e \11th the Alumni B,lnquet The even- What if dIfficulties arise? ___ 1l1g dresses of the gIrls whIch caused the ,)IlS, alLood thoe vlt:lol'Y lililS, Hear yonr cook qult Jack Seulol glil~ mu~h ~oncelll the banquet Keep in mind whon YOU'I:eassailed, 1 Yell my S\\edle \\ent U"H1Y hall l\&'ked IH festive slyies With flags and Kvel'Y ('onl'[lIer01"has failed. ___ [1)alloonsmlldClhed1)
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