Page 72 - BlackandWhite1924
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Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. SCHEDUU'; OF ACTIVITIES ROY'S NEW GEORGIA ROSE BODY POWDER I Notle!!s Jo.'orThe Week. Necessary for Summer ·Wednesday, lIa'J 28- Ice Cream Plant LARGE CANS 1 : 6 30 P. M.~: ~: g: t: ::eeeet~~' 7:00 P. M.'Men's Student Government. MEANS BETTER SERVICE TO Delightful after Bath ' t 7:15 P. M'. Woman's Student Government. ' 0 7:00 P. M. Capital Club, 111 Ward Hall. d K W hi e er an lng, rugglsS 7:00 P. M. Bachelors' Club meets. I COLLEGE MEN SEE ROY 3:45 P. M.F!~~~r,~l~e~!:~.29. 4:00 P. M. Browning Society. ., THE REXALL STORE Philo Society. ROY A. SHIPLEY'S I~UNCHROOl\l SUllday, JUlie 1. 8:45 A. M. Sunday school. 1============ Phone 212 4:t5 P. M. ;~:~~~:~~i~n~',!~. M. C. A: CHARLES KROOP DII. E. E. HOBBS 7:00 P. M. Webster Society. Leading Shoe Repair Shop Dentist Irving Society. I 25 East Main Street 7:30 P. :II. Officers Club, Lewta Hall. 108 E, Main St, Westminster, Md, 7:00 P. ,M. Th~~~81~:6.J~~:t~148 Sr Hall. For College Students Only: --- 7:00 PJ ':II. Biack and White Club meet!!,[ Men's sales and Goodyear R. heels SEE YOURSELF 7:00 P. M. t~~I!aH~~ta Chi meets. $1.50 AS WILSON St:ES }'OU --.- Ladies sales and Goodyear R. heels 'fEHuons DIWP TWOGAllES $1.25 I WILSO N STUDIO (Contln." '...m I'''. really threatened =:::::::=;::::::::::::; one,) ============ The only time the Terrors when Galloway :- E H GAR EY to score "Was in the third, got on by an error was sacrificed to aecond 'I DR Quality Shoe Repairing Shop 'by Garret but was stranded when the next I ... tWO batters hoisted out. The Marine game Dentist Maryland I'============ J. D: KATZ, Prop. ~rr~~~~ ~~v~:g t~~e ~~~~or~?ar:;:O:i~~hinb~: 5G W. Main Street singling In the ninth wtth two gone. The Westminster, Phone 183. Md. Special Attention to College Work. game looked good for Western e ~~=~~=~~~_=~ I~:;~lr t!r ~:~~~. w~~~e:~~~~~e~a~ert~~:~~~ I' 'i innings. but two hits coupled with a urace Do you need a new T. W. Mather & Sons ~~I:~~o~o~:~v:,dol~ i~eC:~~er?l~~~I:n:;~t:r~~ tennis racquet? Does your old racquet need THE FUENZllm con.WRI'UU If so Westminster's leading Store tied. It was the last quarter and the score was restringing. BONSACK SEE He'd show was at ·bat. Montmorency them. "I']] make that eight ball In the side ~=~~~~~~~~~~~ pocket or die in the attempt," Over 33 Year. Of Square he ferociously adjusted his helmet. he said as "Serve," he cried, and the gallery roared their ap- proval. The pUCKwas now in his posses- De.lin, sion. ,Magni'ficently be dribbled it lO the' very shadow of the goal post, when, norror ot ncrros. someone fumbled and the opposing STONESIFER'S team recovered. Using a right to the heart and a cross to the jaw, which seemed to be- .wllder Montmorency's Demons somewhat, the Young Ladies the opposing. team gained steadily. Not lor long, however, tor Monty, crafty athlete that Head to foot Outfitter he was, Intercepted a faul: pas,1topped a Yel- At Popular Prices low and rode thr-ee miles lor a touchdown. MEN, COLLEGE SAM COHEN Now is the time for Tailor STRAW HATS Compliments The best brands, cushion lined The "Pressingest" Man In Town. $1.50-$2.00---$3.00. Special Prices To' College Students ANDERS' SHOE STORE of WESTMINSTER CANDY KITCHEN ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES Established 1905 AT THE Fine Home-Made Smith & Reifsnider Candy and Ice Cream TEA ROOM
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