Page 52 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 52
Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. ' 0 't I I Pastor: "You'll ruin your stomach, W hi e er an d Klng, ruggls S St:Ht:IH~I.I·; tW J\l"I'IVI'I'It:S old man, drinking that stuff. ~:~j~I~:d~:~'~l'III"~lI'~~~~: 6::10 P. ),1. Y. ),'1. C. A. meets. THE REXALL STORE 7:1)1)P. \1. ~e::-:~ ~t~(ie~~eb~vernment. I' Old Soak: '''Salll'ight, 'sall right ; 7: 15 P. }~. Woman's Student coverumeot. it won't show with my coat on." For Easter Candies ~~~~~:I~: ~~~~t:llo~I'U'~I,~,tln;~:[~l.Hall. Get all kinds of Good Eats at any meet. Lewis ueu I and Basehall. B;~;~:~~~I~'tjrAJ~'ille;:I~'t home. I time __ AT THE 7:~0 P. ~\,l.L'on Tamers Easter G. ·fts to S . I'L45 P. }1. F~'~·~(:~l~·,,).,;~I;~!~::tll. ~ I ROY A. SHIPLEY LUNCHROOM Society. uit 4:00 P. ),1. 'B!'own:ng- ~~~~~~~~~~~~. Philo Society ========~=~= = 7::W P.:vI. Debuting team .1'8,. Eliza,bClh·1 Phone 212 town 'College, SmIth Hall. CHARLESKROOP 8:00 P. ,K Mr. Richmond of Senior ctaes in Intel college DU. E. E. HOBBS u.t St. Johns, nra.ortcat Contest Annapolis. Dentist Tennis TeUI~aji::;~~li: ~;~:\n!~~~'at Carlisle. I Fine Shoe Repairing 108 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. 13111111ny,Allril 27ft1. , !~:~i;:,~i:!~:F::~l~~lil~l.~ Y. ,~1. c. A.I Work Done While You Wait SEE YOU1tSELF 7:15 r'. \F. Evening Chapel 1 .~s WII,SO~ sees YOU ,1I1I11tillr. '\Iffil ~kjh• Special Prices to College Students. 7:00 r-, ~1. Wehster Society. WILSON STUDIO lrvlng Society. , I' T",,""" "l"n ")flo, ============i~~g~ 1 ~:~: ~:~e~k ~~~o. \~~~::. ~~I~hsr'm~:tl~:===S~E~E~S~H~A~N~N=A~H~A~N=== Lewis Hall. Quality Shoe Repairing Shop Baseball, St. Johns, away. I For Tennis Equipment J. D. KATZ,Prop, Poem For The Week IRACKETS,COVERS,PRESSES,&c, Special Attention to College Work. When Youth comes to the unrversnr ! (Restring_ing a Specialtx) Anrl b~;eSre~n'~lOOk,ami reads what'S sa;;! I SPECIALS FOR COLLEGE MEN · h & S And the.ll. before cruel Time lets fast gro"'l G!lIette Razors .. 99c T W Mat er ODS 1 The subamoce that Invades his memory. I Gillette Blades 79c . . dtm Vegetal 79c Lilac Ao" gets a hIgh mark, ", a low, ,"dthe" I Westm "nster's Lead',ng Store Hew\~:te\~ t:es~1I,a~ge~sri~;~;:ll~~0~h~~7snkpenAsh Trays .,:.::::.::::.:. 25c BONSACK'SSTORE HIS Alma Mater stamps him "B. A," rank. Over 33 Yean Of Square w:alr~:~f~~~~l~~:::~l ~:o'::i~~e:~h:o~:a;e~I:: I way Dealing IsI~~~~ ~~Ot~~:;v~On;;h~:I~t 4\~~~!f\~ti~r S(;I~)~I ==~S~T~O=N=E~S=IF=E~R='S==='YO\\tl<:~~~~k thyself. tbru tasks in trent or For thou must 'huil(\ thine own Ph!- Iosophy! the Young Ladies Head tofoot Outfitter Hl'ISG SQUAIHWN VIS.'I'S 'l'ANl;"'I'OWS At Popular Prices I (Colltllllletl rrcm IlIlge one.) endorsed the SAM COHEN ron feel at home anti heartily by the squa,l· 1 Compliments. presented Ideas an.d statistics ron. Tailor Social The speakers were J. D. \1al~osky, on on Studenl GOI·· Life; C. L. Trader, The "Pressiligest" Man In Town. ~·(~~~~~~S~n~.\I~O:·Gc;~r::'t. R~nCI~~~~:tieOs~ Special Prices To College Students ;~ ~~il~~~;:;n~ni;t~.~~i~~:~mthe S'S;~~k~~:a;~(~ presided over the meeting. Tile next high of WESTMINSTER CANDY KITCHEN ~chool to be I'islt~d is ,prO!ila!Jly Hampstead. Established 1905 n.:~lt;M8En! Fine Home-Made tr~h~lo~~~c~nn;:\d:~ite Prize Letter Con- Smith & Reifsnider Wr!le your lettpl' NOW. Candy and Ice Cream , S~~ 1!:lsue of '\larch 11th
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