Page 51 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 51
Black and White, Western Maryland College. Westminster Md. Page 3. "Y. ,11:' s'rAH'l'8 L~In;n.Cl,'\~.':i .R.'\S.~- nAL,I, . I A series or baseball games to b!' played I between the foul' college classes has been During vacation--what? arranged unner the auspices of the Y. 11\1. C. A. Only tnoae men who are DOt out for the varsuy uaseoan team will be elegfbte to play. The games will be played on Frlday Conant made $15.00 a day! ,. Neil R. Conant was n student at Bates He de- ~~t;~~i~loSn'Orl~h~hit~v~a~:a~;s D~~h!~;;~:;eSht~\~ cided that he woum take up some selling !ll"ojlo~ition dur- ,Ieeide upon the dute. The officials will be of the two teams. In chosen lJy the Captains ing his summer vacatiou. One of the Fuller Brush com. case of a tie at Lhe end of rue schedule, a nanr's college relll"C~'1entatives, 1\'11'. Ray Smith, hnppenad to series of three games will be played to de- call at uaros anrl :\"\1'. Conant got in touch with cide the winner. A silver loving cup will him. l\h.,Smith or me cnncrtuntues for a college lju presented to the victorious team by the man tu 1;1<11Fuller Bru8hes during snmmer «ncat-o»: llHlt i Capitol Club. amt much Much inter!)!'!t has been aroused he would 1)egtven the sume thorough training in sataaman. Class. spirit is manife~t~ng itself over the com'ng contests. This IS the first ume that an rnter-cinss baseball schedule has been I nrrunged to Include the rcur classes. The !Captains etecten to guide their raspecnve I ~e:~I~r:o '6~~~I:;ar~~PllO~~~;~;.S' ri~~nSee~~ Freshmen. Price. D. The first game, be- tween the Seniors and Sophomores. will ue played dur-ing the coming week as It was postponed on last Friday because of incle- ment weather. The schedule follows April 25. . ..... Freshmen vs. Juniors )'lay 2 ••.• Juniors VB. Sophomores 11ay 9 .. . Freshmen VS. SeniorS .:\1uy Hi Seniors vs. Juniors I:\>[ay 23 Pr-eshman vs. sonucmores I I A~O'I'Hlm rt.rn )IAI{ES j l'OIDIAI, A~NOl"SCEREXT O_amm~ Beta Chi, the oldest organization of Its kind on the hill, wishes to make its formal announcemeut with this issue of the Black and White. Its purpose is to co- operate with the fest of the atutlent body, and all organizations. for the turtnerance of a wtrter interest in all forms of college life. I The omcers and members are as tcttowa: n1U.IAJI II. I'!III,I,IPS \\'1I.1.L\')1 n. 'XOllltiS I j~~~~(~e~~cret~l:~~n~~\l~~~;; Tr~~~:;:l~.e~~ie:e\' Chalk. DarbY.' Devilbiss, l-llll'ley.. Jordan. i\-1cKinstl"y, Ogburn, Price, I)" Reynolds, 0:, =- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t==Reynolds. R.. Taylor. Veasey, Wliliams. J. I 0.. Woolford
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