Page 48 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 48
Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. scuunur.u OF ,\('.""v"r, .•:~ I '26-'Jever hear about the fellow Nol!cel< For The Wet'k. OPERA HOUSE 9 00 A. :'IT.'~~~~~~~~~Yj~V:~it'el~~~;ng -Squarl- ::r~!:\ he could eat fifteen ham- I 1 : ron vtsns Taneytown H. S. Westminster, Md. 6~30 P. ~.1.Y.:'IL C. A. meets. I '27-No. What happened? stndem Government. . Y. w. O. A. meets. , 7:00 P. M.'vten'a 26-He won the bet but lost the SATURDA Y, APIUL 19th. ~:~~~: ;~.:6~~~~~:sC~~\~)(\~l~~e~~~v~~~~~~n~'l)t hamburgers. ~.~~ ~: I~': ~~I~:~:io;sl,u'tl~,\~ln~~~;:. Hall. !I Get aU kinds of good eats at any time Jesse E. Lasky, presents 'l'hlll'~rl:1J' A))l'il Ijlh. ut I at the unaouan varsnv vs. Loyola. College The Great American Picture 1 home. . . ROY A. SHrPLEY LUNCHROOl\'1 t'l"lrl!I~',' Al)1'11 'I'Ilh. . I OH! BOYS! !:~~~,~i:~~~~.\~rn:;P~~~etv. 0 THE COVERE O WAG N I Baseball u~:~!~'s~~c'£~iawar~, awuy I Real Lilac Vegetal at a Real Prtcc A Paramount Production \ Basoball. p:.!lI~n~I~·:./\~\\e~~t.\\\'ay. 79c Bottle Founded upon Emerson Hough's I S"'5 A.,I. s~~';~'?',;\.':~~,"II., BONSACK'S 3:45 r-, ~1. JOint meeung of Y ~1. C. A I' I splendid story of life along the 7:1!i P. :'If-~nv(~uY~g"6h~Det· . NOW THAT SPRING HAS COME .l\(IIUI8)" Auril atst. Overland Trails 7:00 r. :'11. wsnster socretv. The young man's fancy lightly turns lt-vlng Society. : ----- 7'00 r.I)1. ~~~I:~~11~'~s~~'I~:~(~;~II~'48Sr. Hull. ITO thoughts of--- and tennis. Reserved Seats On Sale Thursday 17'17:00 r-. ,)1, macn and White en» meets, t40 L~wis Hall. . For rackets, covers, presses, etc. Matinee 50, 75, $1.00 Basrball. Blue R!dg~ College, away Evening 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50. I Poem For The Week SEE SHANNAHAN ===========' 'T0T~~~d~v~~eh\:~~:!~~ ~i~[\, Restringing A Specialty. = To hole! II Torc,1 in the darken-d su-eet AFTER THE HOLIDAYS I To teach of Nature's oou. Dick' "Guess who the first person This is mv Call. my Labor sweet. Wehler and King Opuggists I went to see after I came back was." 'I'~I'~/it~t.~l~~t!~O~n~~O:!'~~;l ' I Berk: "Bet I know her name." The unlear-ned World can throng! THE REX ALL STORE Dick: "Wrong again! I went to --._ - John's first, and then she was twice '1'lmnOI(~ 1"1.'1 IN.'nH nCOI'X'I'f,U For Easter Candies as glad to see me." (Coutlnned il·OIIl Page .nne.) Babcock au 4 0 1 a 4 1 LOOK YOUR BEST Burgee n 'l' 0 1 0 :1 1 and SEE JOHN FIRST En'l.ey u 3 1) 0 0 0 1 I EVEUHART'S BARBER SHOP SIl~I~~~::~~l'IVO-h::e 1~it,~:'I1:tth~W:.:acri- Easter Gifts to Suit ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~'ba~:;~a/~3~I'GI,~~~~~nB~;I~;~gh~a(g,ttp~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ T W M h & S ~1~~~~I~'l;'BoaJeE~~y,~~lI~i~S~o~y,~~~~n:.;301~ Phone 212 . . at er ODS ~~~J~Z~1.e~r:~f; i~ff2~I~r~e~~tt~~e~.s.J~~ir~:. DR. E. E. HOBBS Duncan. Dentist Westminster's leading Store STONESIFER'S 108 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. Over 33· Years Of Square Young the Ladies I SEE YOURSELF Head to foot Outfitter Dealing At Popular Prices 'WILSON STUDIO You will have to see them to ap-I~=~~~~~~~~~~ SAM COHEN preciate them Quality Shoe Repairing Shop Tailor New Hats. Caps, T~es \ J. D. KATZ, Prop. The "Pressingest" Man In Town. 0:0.: Cords Special Prices To College Students ANDERS SHOE STORE Special Attention to Col1e.~eWork.
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