Page 47 - BlackandWhite1924
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Black and White. Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page 3. " C I B b 1 on Ltppy O. The college COUEGE CJlAIT£R I W. w. cum 01 Lower C11I~~IJS 10111 Junlor SEIICIS a y NEW aIE'IRF.HS (.lIls IS glad to welcome the return E1t:hl ~~10~~18~h~0~1~~s~~sL~e~~~e:~~~aa:dal~s:I~I~ ;~ Girls' Orgnulzatjon. resume her uuues as Dean of Women Friday and Saturday the W W Club eou- Stetson Hats ___ the college taken Idueted ua class have been selected or by the the F'OUI gills tntuauon view Freshman can be seen at nrogressrve and buatness-uke crganiaatton \\11\ be an tuter- of the Juu 01 gh-ls All day l~nday tile The Florsheim Shoe much to the neWlyoung ladles unneareo uniformly and be- garbed in encuess white. with rib- comlngly ___ honsofscarletantlsilver,t.hec1u'bcolors, The Black and White Prize letter contest! pinned on. Lh~ir ,s:vealers. 'The girls pre- For .the Man Who Cares. ~~oUs(~:d~~t:ill;~l c~~l~;ilt~~l o~et:I~~~d~~~s.ts~!I~~;t\~~~ r~~;~r~~~:;\~~~iIl:a~fi~~ ~~lhg~~~~ilc~ ~=========== the issue of March 11th for d'etalla. WritcI rntttanon scene not so long faded from the - your tetter NOW! You can win $5.00. memory of College Hill. Compliments snuo. Hines, -,"-,,-P-. -s-,evens called on ca~~i~~rdoa:i~ve~1~n5a~1~:1r~~1l~e8\~I:~r;tJ:~~:: 1I1C "Governor" at Annapolis. The "Ocv- ptree rlu ring the evening is unknown, but emor" asked Sill if he came from this co~n- the absence of aU dis-orderly yelling and ~~~'ve~~]~::p~~e~~u';~~ ~ll~c~~~~~e~~~~~(l?~It~;~I !}~~~'~~e~lb;dt~~:Sm:~~~ulr~~n~~I~~b~~Il~;sf~~ of welfare of the "GOv.erllor's" (laughter. J-fineSlbut beauuruuv impressive ritual service as per usual. was still the.8hiek marked the admtsstcu o,r the newly selected ___ members ot the W. \V. Club . Jester trtp 011 the Eastern Shore The girls chosen by the Junior organtz.i- Stewart, and B. waro reoatreu uou to perpetuate tile name of tile W. W. a-top "TIle .'Covered Flivver." Club and to carryon uiru college life ils Visits the are r ideals and principles Hazel ensses through jail comuut- Smith & Reifsnider sees the "Handwriting On ThCIBrau, Maucl Brown, ueeste uie Hayman, illmily Jones, Virginia Pittman, Anita Spedd'en and --- Virginia Wheeler and Ruth Jones. On Wednes(lay aUer ,Easter, Stanley _ ~~~S~~y,P~'~~-ia~flV~~U~~~j~~ii~ t~~C~~~~,;vUni- CllmS'I'L\~ ASS.Ol'IA'l'JO~S .ELECT ___ The Y. 1\1. ,C. A. hns elected the following Bet,ton ViSitedlo,flIcel'S [or the ensulUg yea.r: Hudgins, Pre- cl'eibate aL the sl(lent; 'Praller, Vice4Presitle:nt; Groton, on March 25th. Secretary; Day, Treasurcr; 'Vooden, victors, anu the Pianist. Presidcnt Hudgins has named the entry of the U. S_ following Wlllm!ttee cl1,\ll"men: i"lIember- ship, Reed; BillIe. BHton; Hnllulbook, NelV- ___ Inam: Social. Garrett; .Iail, D. Price; lnter- Shop of Dultimore displayed j class AClivity" Graton; Dzputati.on. ''Grill- in the "Y" clnlJ room on IHm: M1l3JC::d DIrector, Hatch; li'lnallce, Wil- Vocational son; --- I School. Gru'ber Guidance, BU1'kws: Preil ~~~ __ ~~ ~~~ a ~1~~i!~t:~O(~~~;tlr:l?dt1~ean~I:~~o:n~i~::r~~ O;~~el",~Y;'rl~~~lin:e~~n~:;:~~~e~tt~lt~~e ;~tf;: SIHLLKRAFTERS INC. Biology on Wednesday. ·);luch interesting Loliege Ihe first wee]. in '-'lay and also dele- "HONOR QUALITY" and valu~;ble material was gathi!r~d. Th~ gales to the conference at Silver Bay, N. Y. I' Manufacturi~g Jewel.ers & Stationers ~~~~~f:tede~~:~~~~~ti~~S ~~e~tl;~Ol"~~r; o~n~; The ~::I::~]I~~~~I~~~!~:~~:~~:~~:I~:~~~at its E. war~e~3ag~~~h~ag~w. M. C. "'::==:::::====:::::::=::; ;:i~ln!e~fth?;~I;~~Si~?~~~n ~~~IP~et~~WOrl~~'~:~~;'!Si~~~t~O~~~'~~~.v~~~pr~~~!~~; Agent an~l ~lap!l w1lh !I ,calalog of ~Oth plants find I Dowers. Sccl"etarl'; 'Grippen, Tr~asul"er. I completIon. Ul'e nearing CulJillet. Y. W:tlecls an.mals .. E H GA RE Y The Library will very shortly receive a The Y. W. C. A. has chos~n JIis$ Louden __ SLrange .os The Cabinet 0 R • • • I valuable girt of about firty stand'arll a~ the ne_w President, and Miss further In- on Botany. The collection is valuedIVIce-PresIdent. Dentist severn I hundred dollars amI will ad:1 clueles.JEss Ruley, S~cretal"Y; ?llisa Owings, '. II lllllth needed sheH on lhls science. T,le Tl'easurer, an~l the following cOOlmitlee ~~:Ie~~\~~\~~~efs°1"~~e~]bh~l~etr~~i~~~y aO;dD;~ ;~!~!l;m~~~lal~~~f;~.ll~it~~!~~g~~i;\.~;=:' R~;~~~ I =====-;::.-;::::;::;=:.::.::===== ;;ael~~t~d to thl' col1P8"ethrough S. W. Etl- ~~[t~.1l(~iS;0~~~i{b;n~~s·H;\il~\1~~~O\~f~y:~I~~ West!~n~i~I"~;~no!h ::~, Md. Soci!ll Serilce 1:'I115SDrydeu' World Fel- Free! Free! Free! 1U n H defeat Into VICtOlY I :~;S;~;~y'J~:\\H~~~tu~~~Sf07°~~~~ ~Senl~la~I~(1 fane Don t let yOUl courage WIll do ~\Il(l If \OU Rle handed a lemor. lln'I~1 the comb ned leaelerslllp or the ne"" leadel and ~11S-S Strange the Y W A Pail' of 50 cent Rubber Heel .., hlst make some lemon Ide I much to Cleate and fUI ther a strongel an I "\ith every pail' of Half Sales at When da,s go~ember lhey are better lellg-lona .1tmOS\lh~re ilt the College roop Bros., 25 East Main street, not self-starters Slleeh' t . t . M 1 s la Sh~ wns just as sweet es mms el, (., ev ery Th ur c y, She-"Tsn·t that --- I}Orch ligllt. dim"!" 1 nectar. as honey, $0 !lC ginning February 14th, endin,j po~~,:-;::::'Wel\.it has quile a blL of scandal Cnme (l\\1 L!kl' A nibll"II. prO 3rd, H)24. I Gent-HIs there any soup on this lJill-Or-j I've got you in my grip." hissed the f8re?" shoving; his toolh l}(tSll" Into his C. I{ROOP, Prop. Waitpr-"There II'fl~ Hilt T wiperl ' '"
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