Page 44 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 44
Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. sCn,IWU-LE .0'"' ;\.C."I'I~'I'I'IIIS I The Favorite Indoor Sport of the ~Mices Fu r 'rue week We will show our I \\'edU{'S4i!n, lIardl 2U. I n.oe A, )'l. Ulack un~1 While AllY High scnoo! I College 1:S l<'lying gqund- .Spring Clothes u ,Ij P 1:\1 Y t nn vtstts )ll rueers EATING A :\1 c A meets C \V r J\I Y Men s Student Government Student \I Woman's Government p ~~ig~~;~~IBc~~~1l~~~e\~nr~e~ll~tl.1\)' i at the college I The Favorite Place to EAT is at 111111:;4\,1\,If;uch er. [S,M(; !I'1ll~~1:4(~;:)~l~:~hs~,e Display The ROY A. SH[PLEY Lunearoom 12:0rSo.~l~l~;l~\~\~l'g!~c:I~~~~~~I,lSOiS\lIUY ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHttlTChk~',narcn :.!fI. Phone 212 March 27th and 28th. 7:45 A, :\1. g~~;l~:lOI;'[i~~I.c\~sSe~S' nU.E.E.HOBBS ,"onila}" G:~(I A. ':\1. Jester trip, ~1,ul'('ll ~11. Shore Dentist 011 Eastern begins 108 E. Main 'St. Westminster, Md. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ISAAC HAMBURGER & sm Poem For The Week All. thIs is Life, 0 To wake nnd on IF~~~:of 5~~~'~!RUbb!rl~e~; BALTIMORE AT HANOVER Be thankful ror a rest, of song. A rluy A. WhiSP'~ing b~ee1.e, r with every pair of Half Soles at Every student buy- Kroop Bros" 25 East Main street, ina .., Soaldl-ig glove Westminster, Md., every Thursday, will have his mime 8WCl't C!yes beginning February 14th, endlnz minted on the glove in weather and water- April 3rd, 1024. proof colors, ,\\,HHA ~I'I!L"G~ IIW t'O~'I't;S'1' anrl Iow """".,"'" '0 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ thiS much ,Int'iclpaletl l1lusterpiece. (i Tilt: ISQn~III'IHIiI;'I)II'I'EIl, ,\SliS ,\_ SEE YOURSELF Over 33 Years Of Square Qn::-i'I'w:\' ~WI~.I11(1yon lhil11, IIi lilli' '\I'o~'le'd~ IIII' IJ;I~f"wll jhi~ yNll'!" Dealing (jl'ollm,1. [.. Varsilv 192:1. "Tile best =========~==. SilL't~lItb~~~~;~)fs~~>1~)~~.le.~~~I}i·;erthnn tMy WILSON STUDIO SA.M COHEN were last year." SKILLI{RAFTERS ue~trl~I~~i)i~g~t~r~ili~ ~~1;3'st~~~~'~h;JV{'thlll Tailor 1.1:('IlUlll~'hl 1'. f.. VarsIty 1023. "De~ldedl~' "HONOR QlJALl'l'Y" lNC. ._=_____ In Town. he~~~;:~!\:~\~nc~aUs{\/c~'::';l:ercis no tlo\l'ht that Manufnctul'il~g Jewel,el's & Stationers The "Pl'cssil.lgeo;.;t" -Man Special Pdce<;; To College Pa, Phtladelphla, b~- they '1'1'(' 'tll!! IJc~t,th~s \'ea!' than ever Sludcnt".- M, C, F.. Warfield Sterling-W, ~====::.:======>~'fore:,' Agent . II DR. E. H. GAREY HAIR HOBBED'??? 56 w.D;1:~~tStreet ,WE COMPLETE THE PICTURE I Qllalit~. ~~fl:A:;~~l:~:~ Shop W(>~tmin""ter. Phone 183, Md. ==__ ....; THE HA1' SHOP Special Attention to CoPe_g'e Wo;'k.
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