Page 45 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 45
~BLACKAND WHITE~ A WI:.EKL Y NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol, I, No. 11 western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A~ril 15, '24 BaGhelors'Club Gives Ho~ I Jesters Entertain On Shore iTerrors Win Initial EnGounter . --- I --- I --- Ollf'uillg' nanee I, UI',II1:"lt ,H.-nir. ! Glee nub ueets Gre:!! SU(lCCss III Ka:J:lllol'C 1.:1('1; Oi I'rud:ef' Ilao; n, J-:1'i'et'l~ 011 Gt'II· The Bachelors' ClulJ h~ld ns opening hop i And 011 'rh,.: ka-rern Sllot'c.' erlll ,,"urll: O. 'J'(,IIII1. in the, l<'irCIIl€o'e Hail on I.lla1"ch zgth. -rue ' The wasrorn ~laryJani.l Glee Club, ceuer i The Terrors cmcrauv opened their season on urrangements cens.steu UII known as tile ",JeSLrs' mel wnu marked [salunla y by a oompar.ntveiv easy win over I nares, w.n.era una c'r;Cl lllbers are: Byham. President; GIlII'I-lthe.secon(! year ~"!ra. Kim.. nley haH lent herlthe beginning of the seventh. showed that. ~:.~'l'.v~~e-~~,eSI~~~;.~tnr~~~Ul'iJ~n;~~,ells~~~I~';' valuable assistance to lh~ Jesters. Prof. S'I ~1:23~~~n~~~tig~~n~,~;ts~,ISw~~~::~s a~~~s t~s~ Bratt. Olark, Clayton, E. R., Earhart, Fla- B. Schofield, faculty adVIser, R, L. Ogburn, in the game to the last ball. herty, Flannigan, Ph~res, Reell, Stewart, H. husmess manager, and Conch D. K. Shroyer. T~e 1923 i~field \\'as intact with the ex- I".. Stonesifer, Stram, Strayer, Warner, IWho handlerl ,the allvertising, also con- ceptlOn of thlfd bas·e where Kelbaugh fille(l WinterS. triIJuted to t.h~ ultimate s1Icces.s of the tr~p! :1~/e7tle ~:~lat~~:e/~~ t~:~~~!~d~~M:~h~:: RIFI.IDIE" ~1I00'1' r" H":,\UST TIWPIIY. by thelt' unt1l'lng and perseverlllg efforts III I at first, Galloway at second, and Garrett at 'I'fillll l'Olllllletes Sncce~silll -fiea.soll Under contluctlng the preliminary l)ractices ant! short!lotop, several errors of comrnis-- 'rile l,en!lershill 01' A. A. Ihlrlly. I also in mapping out and managing the trip' slon and ommlsslon, Ibut all will be smoothed The sharpshooters of Western :Vlaryland while en route. lout with intensive pract~ce. However, the ~~~',e ;~~~i~~n~~~tt~~o~ar~:?S~,{~~~~s~~~r~~~~ 'I .I>r~ee Ilnd Slone~l[er Slar. . t ~~f:ntOrfi~~~t~~;~~~;a:h~h~S ~~r~termrl~ts ~~:~ ment ove!' the work of last FBI"S team. The The Slngmg act~ or l-!atcll and. 'WllsOll, I around local diamonds, and of Cap.t. G,allo- ~1~~:~h:~asCOv~~!~~~:s a~nal~~~ll' S~~~ ~rol~~~~! ;~;~~e ~;~dt~~~~e~'1\f~~ ~~~lOs~~:~~~~t~~n~,o~~~ I wfl~eW~~t~~I~heOfhit.~~~, O~~~[o:t a~l~ tS~~i~ at Ihe U. of Pennsylvania, V, :\-1. r .. Boston: .\o1'a:l1.a seer;ned as :veil received as any ]lut up a fine offenSive .and detens)ve game. Tech .. and others or equal flotanding. T. \V'I Orre~lDg. ,rhe pala(\e ?f the Wooden Taylor, Ree(l and Weigle, who relieved Tl'ice, ma.nager of lhe rifle team, orga.nized SOld:~rs WIth. wooden so](ller O. G. Wan~er t~es~ outergarden,ers, cavo~te(l In allprO\'ed ~'!~~ee:~n~~a~~\\~~d ~~:l~h\\i~~~~t ~~~ i ~t>~I~~~hn a\~III~~~;Jall~'h.:aSJe~lt~~ P~~~II~~!~;: fa~hlon. The seOI e fOllO~~~stern Maryland. program I coaching or Capt. III. D. Gibson, the new I wa~ al~o liked by e\'el'yone. The AB RHO A E a~sistunt P. :\L S, anll T .. wa~ n large factor follows: Galloway 2b 5 2 1 3 4 1 in the success of the teum, In Ihe last tWO la An Old Fas'hioned Town, Do.uble Qua)'-I Gar.rett S8 4 1 1 2 :1 1 big lllatche", the 'J'hirtlCO!j)3 Area shoot teUe and Chorus; Blue HOOZler Blue!!, Artlglal c 4 1 2 9 1 0 and tile Hearst Trophy, the team made 11I DOll'ble Quartet~e anti Chorus: That WhisH- Clark cOO 0 1 0 0 cre(litable show!ng against a large field o1f I ing LUI~albY, 'SlUgle Quartette; Oh! Uncle 1Iiatthews l-b-p 4 0 1 9 1 0 ('ODlpetillors, I Moon, ,SlUgle Quartette; Mama Loves Pap,], Kelbaugh 3b 4 1 2 1 0 1 The Hear~1 Trophy contest has just heen Price nnd Stonesifer; Afrlcsn Dumbnesa'i SOlin rr 40 0 0 2 2 0 COll1pleted. 11lld conclU(I'eri. the season for Chalk nnd Winter; The Parade o! the Long If 4 0 0 0 0 the sharpshooters. Capt, Darby, Baker, Wooden Sold'lerg, Wooden Soldiers; Inter- Groton of 4 0 0 0 0 Trice, Taylor, Ashburne, Sillin and D. P'!'!ce millsion; Tllree Wishes-A Comedy In One Byham 2 1 0 3 0 were the participants in this meet. Darbr Act; Carney, D. E. Price, Simperson, B. W. Merril 1 0 0 0 0 an!! AshburnI' were the high scorers, while Prit:e; Bucks, T. J, Winter; Jim, J. 1\1. Dorsey III 1 0 0 0 0 0 D. Price. Slllln ami, Trice also silot ac- Shalk; The Lieutenant, C. G.. warne.r·1 /L'~~ ~ ~i ~ State Normnl Maryland curately. ~:.~~~A i!~~~~~~~'s.,R~!~c~U;~ds~~~~~r;'I~~ Henderson l"resl(lent Ward an(1 Dean Schofield, l at- Bell Man, Single>tte; The Bells of Norris ss' 4 1 2 0 1 1 tended the Inauguration ceremOny of preSi-1 Shand'orJ" Single Quarlette; Sleep., Jester ·Burroughs c ,I 2 1 9 0 0 dent Titsworth at Was'hington College, Orchestra; 'I'he World is Waiting for the Pyor Ih 4 1 2 8 0 0 Chestertown, on Thursday.. Dr, Ward de- .sunrl~e, IDou'ble Quartette; Davie Jones,; Flater 2b 4 0 1 1 0 0 :~:I~r::1 t~ S:\~~~~'I~~~/~~IS~;C:~~C~~!~fr~t]~~ g;~~~:;1\~~;t'~~;~~r, ~~r~IS. In M'drY]AII,I'1 curr~COllllnlle~1 Cf~1I41'jl~f' ~Oll~.) 0 0
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