Page 42 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 42
Page 2. mack and Whit.e, western Maryland College, Westminster IUd, THE BLACK AND WHITE (mHII~OIt 1I1'1'(;IIIE AIH'O(;,\'I'I-:S J,()A~I m:.UEl'WEB! A weekly newspaper devoted to makina. '~:o ,Wl-:~'I'~~n:'\ ,~IAn\'l,:\~I~ '. . The eteca and White prtae Letter Con- 1 Western Mar-yland College a Bigger, \\'011141 L'nueel ~~',~tll'~: ~~;:~() ,\'111 I, SCIIH1,e 1 test ~ioses April asur nener Institution. In addition to two uetcre lhe state Wnt~ your letter now. Published weekly 'by ~~.~~~~ ~~~ce\V~i~nt~rl~V~\~I~~'~~~~~I,Cao~~~~~'I'Si~i See I~SUe of Mal'cll 11th. The BLACK and WHITE CLUB. :~~~~!;'~:LIr~t" ~a~~:~l ~~ $!~~'~~v~n~~tWin~,i ~.;I OPEN FORUM $2tiO,OliO in andtuon to like fund alreallYI --- . gntered nt 'Post omce ut waatmtnster. :.vI.!., raised. This hill, like otlle"~ lines nee To tile Editor of the Black anu White' as scccnd-cluas mail matter. . I~:nel~~.the Stale tax lhe next three The puttcy or the Black anrt White' has uov. nncuie. in nts speech to the Senate' ~1een t11"es~nted to uS,as a polley or boost- Subscription prices IJY mail, payuule in ! na..~~~~~~lr:~1l\~:I'~~a~~t'~~llCi:"e is lly nJ ~~'~'r, ~;~lC~lreiU~;~~~~~;~~lglil~saSb!~~\r~'~~;li advance 50c ror re~ainder of year Imeans ill tile siluation or the others hut I among ~hc members .of J. G, C. hy an articlc J uuderst.and il is willing (0 ~ul"l'enJ~r .n ~onL:till1ng ~l~jllst critiCIsm puhl'lshed in the the rumre ns regular Stale aiel O[ $22.700 ixsue or xtarcn 18. BLACK and WHITE STAFF a .y(~r in exchange .rOI· thi~ lean, uml if I T11,e writ.el> '" \VI"ite,.~. of. this anicle ~~~r~I~~ ~V~k~sdk~anls ~tl~t01"II ~l:I~O:~Si;I~~.~~i~llt~~~)ill\~l~a5~~~·tainIYwortl~)"I ~;:~t\~~;~n/\,e~~~~c:, in~S~~t~I~~. ~~rrnnacl~ilif~ 0 G, Hall Duncan COITf:SPO~~i;; r~~;~~::cO·l;L[\~)en~~O~~li~I~!~ntl~~I~'I~\~~t~;I~~~l~:~'e\~'~il;~I ;1 0g~~:]ll"~~~ v~:;~~(f:nu\)b~th~ m:~o$r\~tg;: ~~: ~Va~aiv~.~~I~~~;;I~n AS~o~. ~2[]~tOl:IIIOSPital anil il~ alliell school~ hacl{' V..lll:umerouR raise ~c("u3atlon~. siuc~ they UI'e ~:;i:'~r~~:11 A,,~:,"£:~~:L;l:jJ~~~ti,!::~~:I~:~1fif~"r"i:!::,~r,;!':t'l~~I:J~'::;:';~[I::~::':::;::~:T;~~;;~;I;"':";;;;;~;;"ltoGU~' Churles L. Trudel' Assot, Bu",iness .\1gl··1 ~ --- -:- --- ~~~r~H~~ ,~1~:He~~J gZ~:~~:;:~:~:~~~~:~:Th:IO~~;·I~\_(T~t~~.~;~~S ~~~~e~:~'If'"~alll'" ~lr ileal" }I~·. 81li:or: Helen :>ton~' Co-eLi Repre~entutiv<), I'eco~'d of this YIUI' su~passe~ the record oC As onll ol1t3idt the Bla('k anLi White, I Leona Buer Co-eLI Representutivelneany every g'Il'l"s l(llm III the blnic lIavinglhUVe ,Laken a,!!."rellt den I or interest in the ~~~: ~~a~l;;~;I~11 g~~:~~:~~:::~~:~\~:~~~ues!~gne,d1~1~\~I~\P~:~:~I;~~~o:~il~\e~\O~~OI~\~m~~~~I ;:~~l~.ll~~~tol:~~\~:\:~~l\\a~t~~:~~' t~~!)el~~ti'i~ ===========i lJ:l~l,ethall i~ 01'111'and te-nnis iH a sporl that Hen.ti1l1ent of th~ SLII(I~nt hody. t have = 01llY a limiliHI few can particillate in, Lhe: notlced that cvery wec-k !::lome stlllients THE DLA(;j\ ,\SO WIlI'I'E CI,I'1I ,\.~Hl paper suggest~ t.he [ollowln;;: 1l.cti\'itieS fOI'lha~'e he.en ]lleaSet!.. while other~ have been 'I'IU~ l',\I'J-~lt 1 tlie earnest conSiricr:ltion of tile gll"ls. With 1rl"llal e Ll. l. llly~~l!, hnvc not been in CO:11- ___ I tile snilla amount or energy a~ d'isplayed in plfte sYlllpathr wllh all Ihnt hilS heen Thruout Ihe school there are 11 few Ihe l.l:lskethall lIen,son. and WiLh tile (;Oop_!llllhli~~led hUI I ll111~t~!lY thnt J admire }'0111 students who confuse 1he newspaner II'itll ~\\~Iti~.~l,~f~:~~I ~~I~n~~~~~r~;:'~vn~r~il"l~fUJlivillC~ II ;~;-leCt\~~~niSo~a~(~I~.I~'~~~~lIille~~eiSe\?eal.t~~·~!t~l~(\ tjj.e Black amI 'Vlllte club, Perhaps an f'X-1 A Girl~' lWle C11I1J~ J believe YOlifE'f I Ihat it i~ ~o intenlte(t. bill planation will sel've to I'emove thi~ mis- That will H\luot ngainst Lile girl!'!' rille I so lou? as you let .those of[ensc Ht hOlly or theI co~~~~:~i~~'e founding of lhe coll('ge u to i ~: ~lll:;ie,u~II;~I!~;·~~a~;IISli~~~::Je~·:.iLY'I)I"f·xrl In-I~'~~I~ i~~.l'~~:r.'>tl:~::.I~ll~:;o~:~t~;ev~~\\'~CI;~m~I~~ the present time, the student P Thnt ~'i~h~I:~~;'~~~;~I~~~~~;lt:~~t(!~arry on I :~I~'~~~i~~~IS~~II:~~ln\t:;;;~~ci~~l t\~1'a~~~:Z'~lc~f~~~ administration (IHobably both) failed 1.0 (lehulfH lhe.~a1l1e liS the 1\\'0 me::.·s SO~i~li;)~'IM.that whIch ill nn.dl'Sirnhle. After al[' tM see tht: advantage of !l weeldy newspaper, A Girls' Int,~rcollfb'"lillte Imbl.ltinf!,''J'elll11. I'eal worth. of ~ oDlleg' pa_!lel' lies in .its There is no colleoe in )'1aryland or Lhe Wll,cli Will be lhe na[ural olltgl'o\\,[h Of\:>hlilty to. g;lve to the ~tu(jent hody malenal E r" , tile Intrrsoc:etv (\ehnle~ and will compHe from willch each \IlillVlduul can draw bis 1I::~~ott~l:VS~Z~tsO~;~::l:~:r.!\'l~~II;~I~~~c~I~I~~:~'it;:I~I~~):~~.ngtealll~ of th" larger colleg~H ~1~iSh~i;llco~I(Cll~.~i~e~Sl'jJ~~~r.~~~~~,(I~pnnt~l~l~~; White ChI-b. realizing this, finnnced the firsl . A Wrb' V:lr"ity '1'I'l1l1i~ '1'(,:lllI, ('l~nnge ~'Otll"cot\.r~f' 10. that nf a ne.wl!paper a(I'-fli~:~.I'~tal~.W~V;:,SmIth. an(l, ~\~~:'~I)~I~:;n:ll~w=ir;~il;~e o~·al~~l1rsp nobly. Now. slllce the lJsper IS financud nnd A (HI'b' (Hee ('lull. I tliCll: as l"I'pl'esflltal.ive 0: 111(' tJ:'! !lupporteLl ,by the stullent hOllY, wilh Llle €l(- '1'0 c~rI"y the spirit or W. 1\1. C, into; ])o.~~lill" nn(! yon \\,.11 Ill"in<:;: cellt!on o~ the outside sullscrihers, \hf' Blacl( I1lUSit.'HI(ffort lIuli i\ccol1lplishmenl in 11110 IIH' 111;11\1>and While .and White is pUl'ply and simply the college !1\.lnnel" al[Jn to the .Ie~t I' orgalll1.11tlon. ~lntcl"f'ste,l. newspaper, nmi !lOt -the organ of the Hlad( ~ --- and Wl1jt~ Club, as some suppose it to \.I!!. \'AW'iI'I'\' SIIOW I'lIt:SEYI':O; , ,I --- 'I'llI'. Black and White Club is, ot course, 111(. l'IW(. ILU1 1 This cOllimn Is at nil times f01" the Ull~ ;~t~~~~te:o~n!l~~\~t:e~~~~~:gOie~~leit~:~~·. ,~~~ t;n(l)rl;llntUelit :'i1l1~1',-\,~~.ljll~'l'hlll1u:r t~1"U,\\'s~~l;~I~\;l"l:?le n~:~~)e~:~sn;\I~ecL!I:I~~.g:II:leo\;iet~~! II'bat the j)ollcy of the ]JaJl~1"shall be in re- On i.-larch Ifl ant 2tl the Vnl"~lly Show collegf', It is Lile llaIlPl"'s Ilu~JlO~e LOjlubli~ll gard to any matter concerning the welfare' was HInged at th~ NOli" Slor 1'hent,rr. \;:x- t.he srlltim(nt of the mail"Jl"lty, Those who of the college, or as to what shall appear inIcellcnt I):cl\ll'e~ were shown, --U r Wel'e Idlf!"!'!' are e~rn' sill-' ill\'itl'[\ to prc!\ent theil' ~!~e;eer~:. ~~Ieed~~~~~~li~ec~:lOensc~il!~: ~~I:~'~ ~O~~~I1·'~~~~1~el!l~II~~l1l;;.;~:·~~~l)l1\~_':~son:!\~Ig~~\~~~~1"'iBI'~~I~~~1l~h~~~\:~ ~~0:;'e t~~[t~~':~~li~~~l~I~'h~~~~~~I~::\!st~~ ~~~~~!r\l~~~\lal~:~~~;l\)~~'~~ O~~;~~~LI'C~~[:;:~~r:~)~~l. ~~\~ l~~~~;l~~lii~~ar~~\~'\~:~~~~~~!I~~~!; ~~i~l~;l~~~\hl~l d\Ssti~~'~~~~t~I~{i~I~):t~~l\~fl~ I ~{~~~~~;;I... U~tOl~~I~W~~.(lean;;'it~"I~~Sn;~~~ea;~~ [lctters. __ ._ - realize the Elack and ''-Ihite Is ItS puper.levl'n;u!!;'!\ hit. w:11I "!'3JlU 1,oveS' )lama." a suh~idlzed hy no club 01' {uction; a IHljJI.'r com!,· 8.1111w~1l rendered 1\1I t. O Hatc!1 $!\!"l.t:" The to ;:~~~~:~~~I::~i:~~~~ai:{Y~~~~~:~,:1::~'~'"I;~:~~:~~:~;:.';J::;E~~~;:';';(;""~:',";';;'";'i;~~~H~:r
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