Page 60 - Contrast2005
P. 60
that Stan? Don't talk." its main selling point: GIRLS,
GIRLS, GIRLS. And all around the
"Yeah, I got it, John. You don't border red and green neon women
have to worry about me. I'll be OK, danced in jerky rhythm with the
John. I... " static of the timers and bugs collid-
ing with the Sign.
"Stan, shut up!"
The four co-conspirators Doc and John started to go
slipped silently through the shad- inside when they realized they were
ows and away from the home. missing the other two. They turned
"Can I talk, now, John?" to see Stan rushing across the
"Yeah, Stan. What do you Sidewalk, his lips moving in chatter
want." they couldn't hear and Mike in the
midst of an emotional crisis.
"I forgot my wallet, John. Do
you think that will be a problem? "It says nude girls. Do you
Should I go back and get it? It'll think they're really nude? What do
just take a minute. You'll wait for you think they do when they're
me, won't you, guys? You'll wait for nude?"
Doc and John walked past
"No, we won't wait for you Stan to get Mike. Mike was frozen
because you're not gOing back. We at the curb.
stay together. You can pay us back
tomorrow. C'mon. It's just two "Oh, oh, oh. This isn't right.
blocks down the street. See the What willi tell Sarah?"
"C'mon. Mike. We have to stay
Stan looked at the storefronts together. We won't let anything
they passed like a tourist. Mike and bad happen to you."
Doc zigzagged across the sidewalk
taking its measure and exercising John and Doc smiled as they
their freedom to move as they took Mike by each arm and guided
pleased. It was after midnight and him toward the club. As they got to
the only lights came from the bars the door, Stan was still talking.
and clubs still open.
"What do you think a private
John arrived at the club first. dance is. I don't know what a lap
When the other three arrived they dance means. How do they do
stood at the curb looking up at the that?"
marquis in wonder. "Club Paradise"
was in black against a bright yellow John and Doc led Mike past
background. Under the name was Stan. John said, "Why don't we go
in and find out?"
58 Contrast 2005
Inside, with a small Easter-