Page 58 - Contrast2005
P. 58
"C'mon. Dweeble's out of men. Open from 10:00AM to
sight. We can get by now." The 2:00AM seven days a week."
small band of nursing home resi-
dents huddled in the shadows, "But what's the address, John?
waiting for the security guard to It doesn't matter how beautiful the
pass. These four were the only ladies are if we can't get there,"
ambulatory men in this wing and asked Doc.
were in demand by the much larger
contingent of female residents. "It says 1724 Conklin Street. I
They banded together in self- know just where it is, between
defense from the women's fussing Ashburton and Mason."
and became a close knit group.
Tonight, they were on another "We don't have to go over the
mission altogether. It was Easter bridge, do we? I don't think my
weekend. The weather turned legs could take goin' over the
balmy and tonight, they were bridge," Stan said. "You know, I
escaping for a night on the town. used to work on bridges. But now, I
just can't be climbin' like I used to.
"Are you sure you know where I used to walk all over .... "
this place is, John?" Doc Jones
asked. "I don't need to be wander- "We know, Stan. We know.
ing around in the dark tonight. We all have the story memorized.
You're sure you know where we're And, no, we won't cross any
going?" bridges tonight. Now let's get
goin'." John headed toward the
"Yeah, I'm sure. I got the ad side entrance to the building.
right here." John patted his left
jacket pocket, paused, then patted "Wait a minute. I'm not sure I
his right pocket. "Yeah, right here. want to do this." Mike said. "It just
I got it." John pulled out the crum- doesn't seem right. I feel like I'm
pled piece of newspaper. "See. It cheating on Sarah."
says right here: Paradise Lounge,
dozens of beautiful young ladies "Oh, Jeez. Mike, you don't
available for entertaining gentle- have to go. We've been over this a
million times. Nothin's gonna hap-
56 Contrast 2005 pen tonight for you to feel guilty
"I dunno. It just seems weird.