Page 61 - Contrast2005
P. 61

weekend crowd, the place was dark     ried away to get Mike a drink.
and smoky with garish neon lights         Doc and John enjoyed watch-
and strobes flashing out the rhythm
of the pulsing music. Girls           ing their two nervous companions
performed on two stages at oppo-      as much as watching the perform-
site ends of the bar while others     ers. Tracey, Mike's waitress, sat
delivered drinks and stroked the      beside him and carried on a
                                      conversation. She leaned closer
patron's egos.                        and closer, touching him discreetly
     They found a table near the      at first then ever more boldly. Fi-
                                      nally, she sat on Mike's lap and he
runway joining the two stages         was looking particularly relaxed and
where they could watch the            satisfied.
dancers moving on and off the
stages. They ordered drinks and            At nearly 2:00AM, the
John, who was sitting closest to the  bartenders announced last call for
runway, asked Stan to trade places    drinks. John said it was time they
with him. Stan couldn't keep his      went back and three of them
eyes off the girls and couldn't stop  started getting up. Tracey got off
talking. John thought it a blessing   Mike's lap and stepped over to
that he couldn't hear Stan over the   John to collect her money. She
music thundering from the dozen       had a mischievous twinkle in her
speakers. For the next two hours,     eye.
Doc and John fed dollar bills to
Stan so he could stuff them into the       "Mike's gonna need a little ex-
dancer's diminishing costumes as      tra time before he can get up. He's
they passed by. Stan's hands          experiencing an Easter resurrection
began shaking as the night wore on    miracle."
and near closing time he broke into
a flushed sweat.                                                      eclipse 59

     John caught the eye of one of
the girls serving drinks. When she
came over, he motioned to Mike
and told her, "Bring my friend here
a scotch. I'll give you an extra
twenty dollars if you can make him
smile and fifty if you can make him

     "You're on," she said and hur-
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