Page 55 - Contrast2005
P. 55

A City Man Gets Ready to Go Out

He steps into his worn, black
Sunday-best shoes, the concrete ground he walks
has begun to eat through

his soles. He puts on a moth-eaten, threadbare
coat, too thin for winter's wincing
wind, which he wears over his

shirt, stretched too tightly across his sagging
shoulders, and in certain places
you can see his skin,

a few shades too dark. He fades
into the broad shadows
of towering corporate buildings, crowded

closely together, obscuring the vanishing
skyline. He chokes on air too dirty, too thick
sometimes to see through. He steps

into a world a size too small,
a world that could hold
him, but refuses to do so.

-Kenton Martin Camper
3rd Place Poetry Contest Winner

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