Page 59 - Contrast2005
P. 59

Goin' to a topless place."                 After listening for a few sec-
     "Mike, how long have you been    onds to make sure no one was
                                      close by, John stepped to the door.
a widower?" asked John.               He pulled a small magnet from his
     "Eight years."                   pocket and placed it against the
     "What do you think is gonna      door alarm sending unit. "This is it,
                                      guys. We'll know in a second if this
happen tonight?"                      works. Got the tape ready, Mike?"
     "I dunno. Nothin', I guess."
     "Right. You're gonna see              "I'm ready."
                                           John made sure the magnet
some pretty ladies. Maybe one of      was in place, then gingerly pushed
them will sit on your lap. She might  the door open. As it moved, the
make you smile. Good golly, you       parking lot lights reflected off the
might even laugh. Won't that be       warning sign: ALARM WILL
horrible?"                            SOUND IF THIS DOOR IS
                                      OPENED. They all listened to the
     "They aren't whores, most of     silence: no alarm, no moving, no
'em," Doc chimed in. "And if one of   breathing.
them wants to take you upstairs for        John checked the magnet
a ride, would that be so bad?"        again, then said, "Mike, get the tape
                                      in place."
     Mike swallowed hard, looking          Mike stepped outside and
bewildered. "Oh, my."                 rubbed several layers of tape over
                                      the door's latch then quickly moved
     John spoke softly, "Mike, when   into the shadows.
was the last time you had an erec-         "Everybody out," whispered
     Mike hesitated. "I don't re-          Stan and Doc stepped through
                                      the door and joined Mike. John
     "You're safe then. Nothing to    closed and opened the door several
worry about. Let's go."               times to make sure they could get
                                      back inside. He joined the group in
     Three accomplices trailed        the shadows and got his bearings
close behind John, stooped and        for the next leg of their escape.
shuffling Silently down the darkened
hallway. They got to the side door        "Remember, stay in the shad-
and huddled in the darkest corner.    ows, move slowly and don't talk
John peered out the window beside     until we're off the property. You got
the door. Everyone was holding his
breath, afraid to move or make a                                     eclipse 57
sound. In just a second their break-
out would be complete and they
would be free to roam the town.
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