Page 45 - Contrast2005
P. 45
~urprisingly pouchy midsection, snippets from each stage. "We
mto the X formed between her need you to come down to the
body and the ground and over office," so she drove down there
the side of the pool. at 11 AM. The early morning
She was suddenly afraid, practice was a couple hours
like this flow of blood was an behind her. "There's something
omen of things to come and she wrong," With the baby? "No, with
splashed water up onto her body you."
in the routine way. Thenher mo- She sat up again and looked
tions became frantic and she just down at her face in the surface
wanted to sleep. She pulled her of the water. The moonlight
came in through the
legs out of the water
and leaned over on 'Th' 5 some- windows giving her a
her side. Thenshe perfect picture of
' ere
leaned up quickly, herself. Shecould
blew her nose into
thing wrong," see the dark, curly
her hands and then
rinsed them in the Wit h thea b b2 hair coming out of
her swim cap at her
pool. No sense'In y.
Choking.Then she
"N h0, wit you. "ears and at her She
window's peak.
leaned back down always wrapped it
~gain. She had not stopped cry- in a bun at the base of her neck,
mg sinceher initial outburst and never cut it like the others. No
now she curled up completely matter how intenseshewas, her
and gave in. hair was her glory. Shewas al-
Her body was shaking and ways careful to look feminine.
there was no one to hold her. Her mother and father would
She was so cold from the pool never have put up with sucha
that the tears on her face radical decision anyway. Not to
seemed to burn. It didn't matter mentionher grandmother. And
because no one could understand for a sport. She laughed and
anyway. put her foot down to touchthe
She had messedup when it surface of the water, rippling her
mattered most. blotchy feet.
Earlier that day she had Her face was thin. Shefelt
been to the doctor's office. As like Sarah plain and tall or a
soon as the doctor had gotten horse girl. Her eyes looked like
the test resultsback he called her her mother's. Gold irises lined
at her house. She couldn't re- with black around the edges.
member any of it exactly. Just Her eyelashes were long, but thin
eclipse 43