Page 44 - Contrast2005
P. 44

numb and afraid to pull her           get you a Ziploc of ice and some
   head out of the water. She knew       pain pills. She was the Coach.
  that once the cold air hit her face
  it would be unbearable so she                That's the only reason she
  turned fast and tried to swim          could get in there in the first
  back to the deep end to stave it       place after hours. During the
  off as long as she could.              day she watched her girls move
                                         up and down the lanes.
        She could hold her breath        Dolphins, not mermaids. The way
  for a pretty long time. That           they talked, somebody might
  empty burning feeling that             think they almost hated being
  people get in their chestswas an       girls. You couldn't tell by the
  old friend to her now. She knew        earrings in their ears or the
  when to expect it and even             flowery designs on everything
  though it came a little sooner        they owned, or their bright nail
  because she was hurt, she kept        polish and hair accoutrement, but
  pushing forward. Evenwhen she         when they spoke they spit fire.
 tilted her head down she could         They could trash talk with the
 see the thin red trial behind her;     best of them. Don't dare tell
 she forced her body into its           these femmes what they can and
 familiar poses and pulled herself      cannot do. World record,
 through the water. To the wall,        Coach? No problem. Olympics?
 Alice, to the wall. The burning        Don't mind if I do.
 spurred her on. Eachbeat of her
 heart. Head down. The wall.                  They were perfect. They
 Head down. The wall.                   were just like her. Spitting image.

       She could see it now. As               Yes, she was the Coach. So
 Soonas she touched she pushed          she was alone, sitting on the side
 herself down to gain the momen-       of the pool. And she cried out.
tum to lift herself out of the pool.   Not a swear; she didn't swear
Her face was surrounded by the         (although her little charges some-
red cloud and she felt a preview       times let loose when a dive went
of the pain as she shot straight       awry). And it hurt for her to let
up and turned her body                 go, but she didn't have a choice
precisely at the right second to       by this point. Her nose throbbed
sit on the pool's edge.                and had begun to bleed down
                                       the front of her swimsuit. She
      It hurt.                         watched the trail that turned her
                                       navy suit darker and then blazed
      She couldn't shake it off now.   startlingly bright at the white
No coaches around to pat you on        strip across her abs. It went
your slick wet back. No lackeys        down her minimal chest,
who were cut from the team to

42 Contrast 2005
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