Page 40 - Contrast2005
P. 40

~Ut~W()M!~The Struggle of a

                     to Identify Herself

   My name is not Mary or Danielle or Bob
   My family did not arrive on a small raft or log
   My people were stolen- were taken away
   From MY country, where we wanted to stay

   You think I wanted to be here? Where is my culture here?
   Is it in slavery? Lynchings hanging from the trees?
   My culture was in deserts and bushes and grass
   My history and ancestors were not such a part of my past

   But I look around now, and what do I see
   I see straight hair, green eyes, and blacks having white babies
   I am not saying that mixing and blending is wrong
   But I think it's a shame that the real culture is gone

   I know nothing of tribes or religion or territories
   All I know is my people were "African" from some country
   Africa is not a country. It is a continent.
  And just saying "African-American" is no kind of supplement

   I'm Algonian, Algerian, Beninian, Egyptian, Gambonian, Ethiopian,
  Ghanan, Guinean, Morroccan, Namibian, Senegalian, Samalian
  My tribe is the Igbo, Fang, Bule, Kongo, Kota, Luba, Punu, Teke, Venda,
  Wodabe, Yoruba, Zulu
  "African-American" does not even begin to describe
  Where I am from

  I long to know my ancestors, my bloodline, my clan
  Most whites can trace back to their "mother" land
  But there are no records for my people to see
  We as "slaves" were brought over as cattle, as sheep

  No birth certificates, no marriages, or valid ID
  We were "Bessy" and "Mable" and "Miss Sicily"
  like pets, we were named.
  like goats, we were shamed.

38 Contrast 2005
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