Page 46 - Contrast2005
P. 46

and nearly straight so she had to            She looked down below her
curl them when she went out.           then let her eyes wander around
Capped with thick eyebrows that        the large pool area. The pool
would have taken over her face         was more a true mirror in the
if she hadn't started getting them     moonlight. The walls were
shaped right out of middle             painted that seemingly manda-
school. And her nose sloped            tory aqua of all swim clubs and
down to a wide mouth and a             there were white and navy
                                       silhouettesgoing around on the
ready smile. There was a               wall. The windows were high up
bloody crust above this mouth

now from the blow.  so_n.o.o.n.e_could escape the

a quick vicious smile                       grueling practices.

at herself and ol- "She instinctively let Cancer.

most laughed. Peo-     her hands roam       She thought it
pie said she was
pretty. She didn't                          was in remission. At

                       over her chest until least it has been for

think about it too     she felt the scars.  the last five years.
often, but it cheered  They had opened      She had done all of

her up sometimes.                           the right things. She

      She put her      her up, but they     was in her late 30's.
hands on the sides                          Tip top shape, swam

of her head. Why?      couldn't operate     everyday, back in
The world of swim                           training after the
                            this time."
surrounded her. It                          earlier bout had left
was a nearly color-              ..         her out of commission

lessworld figura-                                       for three years. She
tively and literally. The girls        was nearly vegan except for the

wore silver one pieces or              occasional fish filet or skinless
Speedos that went along with the
dolphin theme. Most of them            chicken breast.
were white, Caucasian, German,
Russian,whatever. They were                  She instinctively let her hands
                                       roam over her chest until she felt
white and bleached blond with a        the scars. They had opened her
tint of green that they couldn't       up, but they couldn't operate this
fully get rid of until the season      time. It was just too far spread,
was completed. Eventhe bira-           they just had to do chemo.
cial girl had bleached her hair.
They looked nothing like their               And people would ask her so
olive-skinned coach. She wasn't        offhandedly, "Will they have to
their mother in that way.              do chemotherapy?" It's no walk
                                       in the park. It's not so routine to

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