Page 43 - Contrast2005
P. 43

Into thy                                     Glass


She slid into the mirror. She         thought as she completed the last

thinksit every time. Into the         few strokes to get herself to the

looking glass. Perfect diving         wall. She pulled herself up and

perfection. There's a pause           out of the shallow end and tried

before entry. You stand there         to decide whether or not she

taklIng careful inventory of you' r-  should do a shallow skimming
self from the dispro-                                  dive to make her

portionately large      "Her confidence way back towards

feet up and then it     failed. She was mid- the diving board.
happens so fast in a
white hot rushof                                                     She decided to

                        dive and tried to pull go for it. Into the

motion. Bendspring-     up before she real-        looking glass.
tuckstraight. Into the                             Perfect.
looking glass.          ized she had done it
                        wrong. She bashed               But instead of the
     When she swims
                                                   pause of inventory
shetakes off her                                   and the rapid fire
rings. It started when
                        her nose full force  into  sequenceshe made
                                                   a mistake. Her con-
she was just a young    the bottom of the fidence failed. She

whippersnapper with            poo I..."           was mid-dive and
those shiny plastic                                tried to pull up be-

flowery things that ___________                    fore she realized she

would fade and                        had done it wrong. She bashed
crack in the water. She kept on       her nose full force into the
with it when she got older and        bottom of the pool and scraped
still couldn't get nice jewelry and
didn't want anyone to see it turn     her lips.
green. Now she couldn't stand to            For a moment her head was

have the stuff on in the pool.        full of the sound of water and
Nobody's married down here I          heartbeats and blood rushing
guess, she joked to herself.          around in her head. Shethought
Nobody's having babies.               of a sonogram. Nobody's having

     Not that you need to be          babies.
married to have babies, she                 It was so bad that she was

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