Page 38 - Contrast2005
P. 38
"Keep looking," she said I thought I should say some-
excitedly, her brown eyes wide thing, but no words came.
and her cheeks becoming more
flushed. "I knew you would come
here," she said suddenly. "I
I kept looking, but I still knew it would be you and not
could see nothing but ugliness. your mother. I wanted it to be
was cold and wet and began to you."
question whether I should have
come at all. I didn't understand "Well.. ...1just thought you
why Mom-Mom Sylvie couldn't needed some help. I don't know,
look around her and realize that maybe that's why I came here," I
she lived in a hell. She didn't replied awkwardly.
even want her own willing
grandson to help her. "I live well, Brenda's boy. I
have my peace and my space. I
"Did you see it?" she asked even talk to Lessometimes,tell
eagerly, finally turning her head him I've forgiven him and all. I
in my direction. She was smiling, have this house,with all its closets
her gray tendrils, now curly from and skeletons, yes, but it's my
the moisture, were matted to her house. And I have these steps,
left cheek. and I also have that space right
between those two skyscrapers.
"No, I didn't see it," I replied That's what I need."
in a low, dull voice. I was al-
ready disappointed in the day. Mom-Mom Sylvie crossed her
hands in her lap and lifted her
"Well," she began, "about head up again to the distant
every twenty minutesor so, the clouds. She then reached into the
rain always lets up a little bit. It right pocket of her dress and
may not stop raining altogether, pulled out a pack of generic
but it lessens,lessensjust enough brand cigarettes.
for me here on Dempsey to catch
a small glimpse of the sunshine "I didn't know you smoked,
they're getting over in Detroit Mom-Mom," I said, somewhat
just up the way. If you look right surprised.
between the tips of those two
skyscrapers way yonder there, "There's a lot of things you
the clouds break and allow a don't know about me, but all in
single ray of God's gold to shine due time, you know. Everything
through. I've always liked to has a time. Eventhis day was
think He does it for me, just as a planned out before now. We're
reminder to say that He's there just acting it out."
and I'm here."
Although confused, I nodded
36 Contrast 2005 in agreement and watched as
her chubby thumb and index