Page 37 - Contrast2005
P. 37

dress as she SCUll t:u vv. v .... v  I'(elmer of us said anything for c...

darkness and toward the door.        few minutes.

She looked to be out of breath,      "Mom-Mom, can I please

but she was smiling and her          help you?" I finally blurted.

chocolate eyes were intently         "Why, help me do what?"

fixed on me. Her hair was            she replied, looking far off

almost entirely black, except for    toward the distant skyscrapersof

a white patch on each side of her    Detroit, just poking their tops up

head, just above her ears. It was    slightly above the industrial park

pulled down into a loose bun,        buildings.

resting on the nape of her neck.     "I mean, are you okay? You

The skin on her                                  stopped calling us.

raised cheekbones " •• .1 still could see Can't I help you find
was taut and a                                   another place to live,

faint pink. Her      nothing but ugH- closer to us maybe?
petite frame
                                                            You shouldn't have to
carried a plump
                     ness. I was cold live alone, especially

body, but she had                                after-." I stopped.
a surprisingly
                     and wet and                   "I think I live just
elegant poise, her
small shoulders      b . fine. I'm suited here,"
                      egan to question shesaid, still looking

leaning forward      whether I should            ahead.
only slightly. She     have come at                    "Well, you're in no
                              a II."
was carrying two                                 shape to handle a
lavender bath                                    household all by your-

towels, one in each                              self. And why did you
hand.                                            stop calling us?"

      "There you go, Brenda's              "Oh, look look!" shesaid as
boy," Mom-Mom Sylvie said to         shetapped my shoulder, her
me, still smiling as she handed me   head still tilted away. "Look at
one of the soft towels. I watched
her as she stepped out beside        that."
me and closed the door behind              Confused at the abrupt
her. She placed her towel below
her on one of the steps then sat     change of topic, I did as my
down, her bones cracking every       grandmother said and raised my
now and then. I placed my towel      neck to look in the direction her
on the same step and sat down        eyes were fixed. I couldn't see
beSide her as I adjusted the         anything but gray sky and gray
umbrella so we both fit under it.    buildings.

                                           "I don't see anything, Mom-


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