Page 34 - Contrast2004
P. 34

plate, sit in my lap. I let her do anything. My     much because I went off to school.

kids will probably be awful brats I guess.          When people came over yesterday my

So I let the cat walk downstairs. She               sister and mother would ask them, "Would you

stumbled down and fell to a heap in the floor.      like to see the cat dying?" No one took them up
Good job.                                           on the offer and my grandmother even said "I'd

So we were finally all ready. My mother like to remember her the way she was," She's
got to carry the cat out in a towel. We all had
                                                    scared of cats. She doesn't even like cats. She
on our black leather coats and that was a fu-
                                                    throws hot water on the ones that she sees out-
neral processional in if there was one. We took side of her house. But she wanted to remember
turns holding the cat. Except for my father. He the fear rather than see the thin shadow. Grama
was driving. When the car started my mother
                                                    is cool.
passed the cat back to us. The cat
had started clawing at my                                     So it was. Grey Friday it shall be.
mother's coat. My mother said                                 And we talked about the most random
"Don't make it your last act to                               things on the way over. My sister said
scratch up my coat," We thought                               "I saw one of those things the other
that was funny. The cat never                                 day," We all started guessing what

really liked the car. She never                               she could possible be talking about.

really liked the vet.                                           "A beaver?"

Crying again ... big baby.                                      "Nah,"
                                                                "A possum?"
So anyway, My mother held would go out                          "Nah,"
the cat the longest and we talked                               "A mole?"
about the good old days. She had    when she wants

a good life of 18 or 19 years. We   and I didn't                        "N ah, the things with the flat
figured out that today was Black    like to limit             tales and the thing-"
Friday. My mother said. "Yeah,
                                                                        "A beaver?"

Double died on Black Friday,"                her."              "Yeah!" It was so funny.

and my sister said "We will re-                                 "They're scary and their tails

name it Grey Friday," Oh yeah, she's grey.                   look like wood and it was so big and
                                                  fat," Then I interjected like the pompous bio
Was grey. Is grey. Was. Well, she still is grey. I major I am.
saw her go in the ground and her fur didn't
change color. Or her green eyes. She's very              "He's about to go into hibernation,"
                                                  Good job, genius.
pretty. She was still as fluffy as she was. Not
that she was very fluffy towards the end or              Then we talked about hitting deer in the
really ever. She was always a thin cat. She       car. It was all so disjointed. But it was great
stopped grooming, but I guess I didn't notice so  and we got to laugh. Double seemed to like it.
                                                  That's the eat's name you remember? I don't

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