Page 32 - Contrast2004
P. 32


Today my cat got put to sleep. I don't feel much.
like being sensitive or subtle about it. I just want
                                                      And her breath started stinking too. I'm
to say what happened.
                                                      not sure when. My mother says that it was about
       I'm 18 years old and I'm home from col-
lege for Thanksgiving break. 18 is one of those       three years ago, but I can't really remember: I.
cliche ages, all about growing up, voting, com-       just remember that I haven't really smelled It m
                                                      a while.
ing of age, and finding yourself. Well, my cat
                                                             I want to get this finished today. I feel like
was just a little bit older than I am. She was born   it won't be fresh enough if I don't get it finished
in June on the 30th in 84 or 8S. She had been in      today. It's 1O:S3PMNovember 28,2003.

the family longer than I have.                        She wasn't just not-jumping after .

Every time we took a vaca-                            awhile. She was stumbling. To be fair,

tion we would come back and think                     I mean she was about 18 and S months

that she would be dead when we                        I guess' before we saw any sign that her

got home. It was just that serious.                   health was deteriorating. Well, actually

Her name was Double. Is Double.                                   she had been losing a lot of weigh and

Was Double. I don't know. She's a     around, as it there was that incident when we got
cat right? I shouldn't be that upset
                                      had become the dogs.
about a cat, right? It's just that I                            It cost my parents SOO dollars
                                                      at the vet when she first started losing
know that cats don't go to heaven.    her habit of    weight when we got the dogs in like
They don't have souls. So when she        late."
dies, it's forever and I won't ever
                                                      '97. They had to use a special kitty IV.
see her again. It's kind of sad. Anyhow ...
                                                      That's what all the money was for. Turns out
       This morning she was stumbling around,         there was nothing wrong. Just stress. From the
as it had become her habit of late. I remember
                                                      dogs I guess. We had another cat but she went
when she was in her 'hay day' she could jump
                                                      crazy and started peeing all over the place. But
up onto the top of the refrigerator in one leap.
Then as she got older she'd have to jump on the that's another story. Anyway ...
                                                      So today. I got up and we had decided t?
counter first. Then she stopped jumping so
                                                      put the cat to sleep. Well, my mother was saymg

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