Page 33 - Contrast2004
P. 33

it first thing when my sister and I had got home their funeral am I going to make sure I'm look-

from break.                                         ing my best like I am for this cat? Because I

. I woke up and Mommy said "We're go- love this cat.

mg to put the cat asleep and I want everyone to     I got dressed in the bathroom and I

be there," Or something along those lines, I        stepped out and looked unto my parents' room.

don't know exact words. I always think its          My mother and my sister were sitting on the

funny in stories or novels when people are re- bed and the cat was coming towards me.

peating a story and there's all this in-depth dia-  Did I mention that she had been walking

logue and people know full well that there's no around lately too? Not-jumping and walking

way they re-    II!JIIIII"'~!!II!IJII!!!I!!I!!J!I~IIIIII!!!.=::::::-"""":-----------vw' oerrietehheorbtwbioesf.a-
member eve-

rything that                                          She would walk

was said                                              the perimeters of

Word for                                              the rooms and my

word. Even if                                         mother thought

it was impor-                                         she was sick then,

tant ... If                                           when she first

some body                                             started just walk-

hadn't written                                        ing around. My

the thing                                             mother's friend

down nobody                                           said that the cat

Would even                                            was saying to her-

know the                                              self - "Goodbye

Gettysburg                                            sofa, goodbye

address.                                              chair," She was

They'd be       "Kitty on Board" by Alex Barnard        my mother's cat
Iike, was it                                          really. But I loved

about sports or pottery? Somebody scored            her. I would talk to her and meow to her, but

something ...                                       whatever. Sorry, I got a little teary eyed think-

 . Anywho, just know that these words of            ing about it. So anyway.
dIalogue are an estimation of the real touching            She walked towards me and then past me

stuff that actually took place.                     and I let her go own the stairs. It wasn't many
       So, I got dressed. I was going to wash in    stairs, like seven, and she liked to be independ-
                                                    ent. She was an alley cat, I think. She would go
the sink but I decided to take a shower. I          out when she wants and I didn't like to limit
Wantedto look my best. I was thinking, when
                                                    her. I let her sit on the table, eat out of my
a human that's close to me dies and I go to

                                                      The Awakening 31
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