Page 38 - Contrast2004
P. 38

"She's up high now," My mother said, or know their every move. I suppose if I have my

something like that "She likes to be up high,"     own cats one day I'll name one Double Jr., but

Like when she would get on the fridge. Or up       maybe not.

in the window to dive bomb my father. And          I know she can't see this. Cat's can't read

she'll be up high. If dead animals in fact 'are'   English and if this one could she'd dead now.

anything at all.                                   Up on the hill. She likes to be high. Resting,

        I've been reading too much Tolkein. All    finally in the soft ground. I want to tell her

these thoughts kept running through my head        goodbye again though. I have studying to do,

like. "And so passed                                                     but I just want to sit and re-

the grey cat named                                                       member what my life was

Double, Fell and No-     took our time walking back like when she was in it. Be-
ble, with Dignity and
Grace," You know the     in the rain."                                   fore the years passed like
                                                                         they do now and each day

stuff.                                                                   could bring one more good-

        My mother and I didn't go back down the bye. Back when I could be so much younger.

same way. We walked around in a wide arc and Back when the world made sense. We grew up

cut through someone' s front yard to get back to together. You were always there and saying

the front of our house.                            goodbye to you means saying goodbye to so

        "Remember when Double went on a            much. Nearly two decades. Almost a score's

walk with us to see where we went," I asked        worth of work.

my mother.                                         What now?

        "She was old even then," She replied.      Well, good bye Double, that's for one.

And we held hands and took our time walking        Good bye high school too. Good riddance Mid-

back in the rain. It didn't smell like anything,   dle school and good bye Elementary school.

probably because I was all clogged up with         Goodbye no voting, no driving and no

snot. And the sky didn't look like anything        periods. No worrying about bras and boys.

symbolic and unnatural. But I'm eighteen and I Goodbye no kids and no pets of my own. My

cried when my cat died and I held hands with       own little kittens. Bye guys. I'll miss you?

my mommy.                                          Yeah well, I'm crying again, of course.

        I haven't lost much in my life that I re-  Whatever. Life will go on. I

member or lost too many people. Church moth-       might as well live it.  r-..::J~<._ ,,~
ers mostly, but I didn't live with them every-             Thanks Doub.

day. Or learn to talk by them and to them and



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