Page 29 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 29

The Spoon

They're all jealous of me

They have to be.                    .

Snu gg limg my silver sister
so perfectly. I'm cozy.

~~~dles of pastel milk fill me.

It' heart, blue diamonds -

~here am I going?

nto the sugar bowl

Iw'lhl enre  whit     e  sweetness  surrounds  me.

ap here all day, maybe.

~ sneaky someone lifts me                           deadly niche
II'nmtostihe l.ight for a midnight bite.
b. Inkmg sticky into saliva-                        emptiness is my companion
                                                    in this darkened room.
 eIng bathed by a wet baby kiss.                    water surrounds me, and
                                                    it warms like a blanket.
                     Stephanie Lee

                                               yes, this place is quite cozy,
                                               although it is solitary.
                                               but just enough room is in here
                                               to start my early development

                                               a couple of months pass,

                                               i sense a pain
                                               like a dagger at my throat.
                                               i'm too weak to fight,
                                               too underdeveloped to scream
                                               i give up in bitter surrender.

                                               at least the pain has ended for me.
                                               my mother sighs a sigh of relief,
                                               for i, the source of all her problems,

                                               no longer live.  Keith Remo

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