Page 25 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 25

The bright wallpaper goes unnoticed here.
The near-snow coolness of sheets
tuckedruke a crowd

around her

makes.tho breaths come

harder, faster                   .>

than their suburban hysteria
~nd~careles( ad ul thood.

Her cotton fortress

of soiled blankets

and }{idden terroJ

   has become too comfortable.
  J , ;'
 ;iheir words are glass,

their hands are mirrors,

transparent rape.

too real'for rhyme.

By now she has forgotten to cry;

tpe sII1all,room k~eps Her

six-year Clig!:t1tywarm,

and tec:frslwould be her failure.

Whipp~d '.~'
likk a carousel pony, ,

the whisper!ng child,'
                         \ ",' \

leaves herself,

to sleenk':."',~:""..~·'.·'.-~'

                                     Bonnie L. Miranda

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