Page 28 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 28

S.A. Sommer

      "What about love?" she asked, casting her eyes upwards towards
    his with frank anticipation of his reply.

    "We were young."                                                       .

      Adeline quickly turned awa y, vainly trying to hide all she felt at hIS
    open admission. Paul took her cool white hands, which hung limply
    at her sides, and pressed the palms to his lips.

      "Please," he whispered. "Let the past remain past." His words
    were commanding in spite of the soft tone. He meant to reassure her,
    not frighten her.

    Now it was Adeline's turn to beg.

      "Please," she cried, with her voice cracking. "Let go of my han ds,/I
      Adeline flashed her brown eyes back to meet Paul's icy green stare.

    Again she pronounced her plea, only this time it was far more

    pronounced. It was as if Adeline were trying to tell Paul that she
    could at least control her voice if nothing else.

      Still holding her hands and her gaze, Paul broke the strained
    silence he had left with her second plea for release.

      "Not until you promise to let the past remain past."

      Paul's grip moved from her palms to hold Adeline just below the
    elbow of each arm. Slowly, he began to lift her from the sofa where
    she was sitting.

       "I can't let you dwell on what has been before. You have to let go
    of my past!" The words were so much angrier than he had intended.

      "Let gO!/1 The words sounded torn from Adeline's very soul as she
    spat them back at Paul.

       The battle grew in silence. Both Paul and Adeline stared deep into
    each other's eyes, begging the other to let go.

       "I can't promise that I can let everything you told me remain in the
    past." Adeline, still in control of her voice and temper, continued her
    plea. "Too much has happened for me to let it all go forever. Ineed
    to know that Ican remember what has been before. Ineed to know
    that Ican ask you to explain when you start to become like that again.
    Don't shut your past out of our lives. Don't tell me it's not relevant
    because it is."

      Paul stood there, holding Adeline as if she were a small child, her
    legs dangling helplessly from beneath her pale yellow nightgown.
    As he lowered her to the sofa, the tears began to melt his icy green

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