Page 31 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 31

The Devil's Game

 Immortality is a hoax         But we all know too well
for death is a splendid thing  That's not how it is, here in
 If I were a human             Hell.
I would do it again and
again.                         Should I have mercy?
                               No, that would break my style
To watch how the soul
for comfort and peaceful

But we all know too well       I think I'll wait for Heaven
That's not how it is, here in  on Earth--
Hell.                          And torture,for a little while.

I find it utterly sweet,       This is my game.
How they wish to kiss          Something I will never sell,
Heaven's                       Just to remind you all too well.
                               There would never be a
                               Without a Hell.

                               James Felton III

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