Page 20 - Contrast1990
P. 20

him to it. I looked at my hand to get the answers, but the O~I{o

thing there is a bunch of, well, you know. Now the ~op star :ault

get really mad. Like he has any reason to. I mean, rs rt my the

it was the wrong bird? So I ran off as fast as I could, before k
10\cop could do anything really drastic, and I guess I didn't

where I was heading because I fell into this open manhole ~ ~ a

bunch of guys were eating lunch around. And I thought, w ble

strange place to eat lunch, I mean, I usually eat aro~d ata '

you know? So now, I'm looking at the earth from this enbr~lt ~y
new perspective, and the guys that were eating lunch rum I f 11

yelling at me to get out ofthe sewer. Like I really wanted ~ a

down here? So I get sick of them yelling at me, and I run 0 three
looking for another exit. It must have been, oh I'd say about

or four days before I got out. And I find out that the sewers

empty out into a huge stream. So, I'm swimming in this stre;m,

and I find a bunch of birds, just like, sitting on the shore: So

think this is my chance, and I swim to the shore and begm II

chasing these birds, so they can, you know, on my head. But a

of the sudden this Big Mac truck (Not a big mack truck, but: Bfriog
Mac truck from McDonald's) starts blaring its horn at me, h. e

doing something wrong chasing these birds. And as it's bla7~;;s

its hom, I begin to realize that I'm standing in the middle 0 h e

major highway. So I start wondering how in the world I got e~~

and the truck hits me! The next thing I know is I'm waking u~

this hospital bed with like all these casts all over my body, a~1

instead of thinking how great it was that I was alive, I thoug h ' I

Great! This is my chance_ I can ask a real-life doctor what t a

thing in the back of my throat is. So the doctor comes in and

looks at me with this sad expression on his face. He starts

talking, but I can't understand what he's saying except that h:

removed something, but I don't know what it is. So I go to as t

him, and I can't talk! And he says don't try to talk, we took ou I

the thing that's in the back of your throat. Great! Not only d; et
not know what the name of the thingy is or what it's for, but g I

it removed! And on top of that I can't talk! So I'm starting to ge

really upset, but I can't move, a,nd I can't scream, so I star t to. cr y.
I guess I was crying pretty loud because this old lady comes III

and tries to comfort me, but for 'some reason she smells like skirt
gunpowder. All of a SUdden she pulls out this M-16 from her d

and she shoots the doctor. She then points the gun at my hea ,

and I open my mouth to scream, and she decides to ask me ho,w

come I don't have a thingy in the back of my throat, and I can t

answer, and I realize that I can't talk because I don't have th~t

thingy. That's what it's for! So I start to get excited about this d

sudden realization, and this bird comes flying into the room, an
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