Page 19 - Contrast1986v28
P. 19


No oneli~tened to him.
No one cared.
When he was unhappy,
No one comforted him.
There was no one for him.
He was alone.

He kept euerything inside,
Behind walls of cold steel.
The loneliness.
The depression.
The feeling that he was no good.
And it was stagnating.
He would haue gotten it all out
If someone had listened,
If someone had cared.

Atop the building,
Fifty-two stories high,
He stood and thought.
"l'l! make them listen.
They'll hear me,
They'll care,
And they'll be sorry.
He jumped.

He screamed at first.     him.
Then he laughed.
Hysterical laughter.
Haunting laughter.
Neuer to be heard again.
Still laughing,
The darkness surrounded

 The headlines read.
 "'... Witnesses say they heard laughter ...
He was right.
They listened.
"The laughter 'was frightening," said one.
And they cared.
"What didn't I do," said another.
But it was all too late.

                         Stephen M. DuBois

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