Page 14 - Contrast1986v28
P. 14

James took a sip of his coke. Then another. Then another. Suddenly, he b ega n tobfleel kdizzy.
His chest felt as if it were caving in and he couldn't breathe. Then everything went acx.

     QUickly Alan got up, lifted James up and carried him across hI.S Ie ft shoouulder . He knew he

had to work fast because James would be regaining consciousness shortly.                                                                ,

     He carried James to a door to the left of the long staircase. Alan opene d tehd door writhThIisS

right hand; then he took James down into the cellar. He carne' d hiirn over t0 a nother k 00.stairs,
time, he used a key to open the door.                               Alan locked  the door   from th e OUtSild e, we nt bac
qot into hi, car and drovs away.                                                                                              up
                                                                                                                                   . hi

      James woke up feeling like                        he  used    to feel  on the   next  day  when   h e h a db  een  out  the  niq
before drinking with the boys.

       James sat up against a wall and looked into the darkness. He saw somethm,g app roachkiningd
him. AI first, he had no idea what It was. Then, a, it came closer he realized that iIwa' ~o~':nuch
of beast. It ,eminded him of a rnonstar which was in a movie he had once seen , but it 100 d"rke the
more horrible. It stood about nine feet tall; its body was covered with skin which looke 1 harp
skin of an elephant. Its hands, or what James thought must have been hands, had long, s
claws which probably could have ripped the head off of a human being.

      James looked up at the beast's face. This feature was the most fng. htenmg. 0f a.II Itnwd asthea
human face except thai it was stark while with ,ed eyes. In the mouth were long fang" atowa<d
beast licked its fang, and blood red lip, with a pink make-like longue., it made its way body.
James. James tried to get up and run, but he couldn't move. The thing seemed to control hIS
All he could do was sit and wait.

        o longer would James make love to Jackie Price. No longer would James ta ke b u siness trvieprsy.

NhuongloryngeMr r.wBoulaldck.James drink with the boys; for James had come into contact with a very,

      Dadene Ma,ru,all waited to see if Ihe dri ver of the black car would stop Ior he" Sh e hopneddhsehe
wwoasuldverbyectaiuresde. she had been walking for a long time since she had run away from home, a

car  "G   regaott,  "inhseotn  thhoeugphatsseansgtehre  bsliadcek.  Porsche  stopped  a few feet ahead  of her.     Sh era n up to the

      Th e drniver was very handsome, thought Darlene. Nice dark hair and a thim and kniea9t
mustache which made him look especially sexy. He also had on a nice grey suit. "A good lo,~ In
guy who dresses well and drives a Porsche," thought Darlene. "He looks like a good lay.

      "Where to?" asked the driver interrupting Darlene's thoughts.

      "Oh, I want to go to the Blackwater bus terminal."

      "Sure thing. My name is Alan Rush. What's your name?"
      "Darlene Marshall."

      Well Darlene, would you mind if I went home first?" inquired Alan.
took "hOerh tnoo!t"heDbaurlsenteermsainida,l. thinking that maybe they could have a quick roll in the hay before he

     "Good. I've had this suit on all day, and it is beginning to really feel uncomfortable."

                                                                                                 Michael Lewis

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