Page 12 - Contrast1986v28
P. 12


      James Caine had been walking for almost two hours now. He h a d no 1idea how ffarthhee lohnadg
walked since he had left his car back on the side of the road. Road was the only name or'dered a

strip of dirt and gravel he now walked along. It certainly would not have been c~ns1 ince he

highway or a secondary city street, for that matter. Only four cars h a d d ri.ven by him Sl
began his hike and none of the drivers had acknowledged his hitch-hiking sign.

James hated' qoinq on business trips, especially              when  he had  to trave 1 ta rura 1 areas.                             h'
                                                                                                                                   T IS

ordeal he was experiencing now was causing him to hate business trips even more.                                                   .

James hated leaving New York and going away on business for two main. reasons. OnetedwalseahvI-s

wife, Colleen, and two was his girlfriend, Jackie. He hated leaving them both, but he ha                                           d
ing Jackie mora,

      "You've made one of the worst mistakes a man can make, James," some of his freinds waul
tease. "You have fallen in love with the other woman."

"It isn't that," Iarnas would say in defenss. "It', just that Jackie is bette' in bed ,"                                           d

      James would say this in a joking way, but the more he thought about I.t, the more he readlizden't
how true it was. Colleen seemed like she didn't enjoy making love to him anymore. They

engage in their long and erotic sexual encounters anymore.

       Before they were married, and in the beginning of their marriage, they engaged in seX:
regularly and seemed to thrive off of each other's bodies. It wasn't that way anymore .

      With Jackie it was different. She reminded him of those earlier sexual encounters wi.t h Col-
leen and made him feel like he was still the man he was sexually in his younger days.

      Jamasdec..ded that th" ,ealiy wasn t a good time to think about sex. He felt that i'dt 'd~i1~ Iking
sense to become aroused when he was hundreds of miles away from Jackie, and he was wa
along a country road with no idea how far away the nearest service station was.

d At least it was still daytime, James thought. All he would have needed was for hI.S car todbreathk
  own duurning tehar d kest part of the night. Then he would be walking along now scare d to . ea Be,

expecting at any second, a werewolf to jump out of the surrounding woods and attack h1~"ngs
really didn't believe in werewolves, but he had watched television. His present surroun 1
would have been a perfect place to film The Howling.

Just as he was wondering what he would do if a werewolf were to leap out after hi1rn , evtehne

though it was daytime, he was startled by the beep of a car horn. He turned around to face
pe"on who dared to intenupt hrs thought"                                                                                           d

He was lookinq at a tali, ,athe, ,t,ange looking man getting out of a black cer The man ~~e

bmlaacnk lohoakiredansdo mustache.  As James looked at the man's clothes,                     he realized  why

      He was d,e"ed in an expen'ive g,ey suit, white silk shirt, qrey tie, and expen,ive gr.::
,hoe" The man ,ealiy did not fit in with hi, ,unounding" Iames thought this man looked rn
asoromuendof htheree exjuesctutaivsehse hweashna'td. seen in New York. James concluded that this man mustn't be fro

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