Page 28 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 28


       "Fried chicken, mashed p'tatoes, black-           Mr. Gallion, completely surprised by the
eyed peas, and corn bread--mmm, that smells        question, finished swallowing a bite of com-
good! Martha, may I compliment you again! My       bread, and with four generan .orrs 0 f 'Sout hem
but you can fix a dinner fit for Jefferson Davis,  breeding to support him, studied his young
himself! Well, shall we be seated?"                daughter carefull y.

      "Bless this food put before us, 0 Father,           "Almighty God," he thought, "wh ere's she
and grant that it may put our minds and bodies      getting these ideas? Grandpappy would turn
to Your 'service. Amen."                            Over in his grave if he heard such talk!"

      The peas were JUSt getting to young Lee      "Melanie," he began deliberately,        "Good
as Mrs. Gallion inquired of her husband, "How
                                                   made white folks and black folks. The white
did you enjoy Dr. Frazier's sermon this morn-
ing? "                                             folks have their own church to go to and the

                                                   black folks theirs."

    "Very well put ... very!"

      "1 think he was quite insprnng,  don't             Assuming the matter clo'se d, he renewed
you, dear?"                                        his attack upon the chicken neck on his plate.

                                                   "Where is their church?"

      "Yes, yes--a bit drawn out on the brotherly  Surprised to hear her voice again, he an-
love ... "

                                                   swered absently, "Oh it's down in the west

      "Oh, but 1 do think it's awfully important   end of town--between'  the empty lot and the
                                                   paper mill."
to emphasize that, especially for the chil-
dren's benefit!"

    Lee was busy devouring his meal as any                "But that doesn't look like a church."

eleven-year-old boy will do; however, Melanie,           "My God, where does she get all these
                                                   questions?" he thought. His wife explained
her round eye's fastened on Mrs. Gallion's         simply, "Everybody's church doesn't have co
                                                   look the same. Our coloreā€¢ d folks l i0k e I0 t t hat
face, was listening  intently,  her food un-       way. "
rou ched.

    "Melanie,  lamb, don't you like your

chicken? You won't get to first grade unless             Melanie, eating a spoonful of potacoes ,
                                                   seemed to be absorbing that reasonino g adn
you're big and strong! Now be Mama's sweet-
heart, and ... "                                   trying to unscramble her own thoug h t s, Sud-

      "Daddy, why aren't there any colored         denly she jerked her head up and exploded the
people in our church?"                             silence.

                                                   "Don't they like their church painted?"

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