Page 32 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 32


    I am an emp riness yearning to be filled.
        I am a loneliness longing for rest.
             I ~~ a restlessness searching for peace.
                  I am a fear needing security
                       And a sorrow wanting comfort.

                                                         Judy Griep

                                                                     ETHEREAL RAY

    Gloom lies heavily all around,                                                 bottoms,
    Simulating the thick fall fog in valley

                Obscuring hope and dawn.

    An ominous foreboding, this _                                                  ---

    Of empty mailboxes, wandering dreams,
    Backward, foreward and sans di rection

                Dispair ...

    Is there a tiny breeze? A slight puff
    To breathe and caress and convey hope?
    Not now or yet ... for a while ...

                Waiting. "

    Wondering now --- what forces move                                                       ---
    In far-off places? What whims

    Exist? Looking and searching for the eiusive
                Love ...

    But now --- a breath, a breeze, a card,

    A letter, moving the fo g and gloomy mist of day .
    .An ethereal ray ... daylight ... mid-morning ...

                Joy ...

    How long to last, this breeze before
    The inevitable calm? So brief, compared
    To th e eternality of unfulfill ed expectations.

                Ephemerality. "

                                                                     John Emens

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