Page 23 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 23

When I consider Thy marvelous works

        Thine own glorious creation:
        Spheres, stars and sky stretch into space
        Hills, mountains, reaching for Thy face
        Oceans,stormy, blue and strong
        In all Thy work, naught can be wrong.
        Quarries, canyons steal my sight
        Gleaming in Thy sun's own light
        Reflecting gold in daffodils
        Handmade towering rocks and rills
        Meadows, fields, and woodlands tall
        Fish and fowl. Thou'st made them all.
        Thou; in nothingness, fixated
        All these wonders, then man created
        Glory of glories, lump of clay
        Di dst Thou know he would be this way?
        For all these things, I stand in awe
        Yet, even these seem very small ---
When I consider Thy infinite love.

                                 Patricia Stahl

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