Page 30 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 30

Youth died last Friday.

A generation gay and free, with high ideals and higher spirits.
Large and lau ghing, groping, grasping. Giving.

"We want to help" between chocolate milkshakes and split-level daydreams.
America's the greatest land of all. We are Americans. We are young

     Americans. We are the greatest of all. But they're just as good as we are.
           Life is wonderful.
          Love is wonderful.

I love this movie. It's realistic.
Let's do something.
Twist. Twist.

We want to help. Great place, America. I want to see the world.
I'm going to have six kids.

Education is what counts ... Cutting classes.

"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."

I'm going to get a good job. Something interesting that pays well.                Money
    isn't important. Security is.

Life is wonderful. Love is wonderful. Let's go!
          Li ve-Ii ve-Ii ve.

"My fellow Americans--(My fellow YOUNG Americans--)"

Young Americans--giant keg untapped.

    We want to help.
    Avoid the government. Politics are evil.

               Of the people, by the people, for the people.
    Who are the people? I mean which people?

               Love is wonderful.
               Life is wonderful.
    I'm never going to get old.
    Turn on the radio.

"We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin--"

Turn off the radio!                         leave .. We can't ... We must.
It's not true: we are alive.

I hate this movie. !t's too real. Let's
You paid admission; you have to stay.

Youth is dead.
The seething stops.

    Where is the director?
    He's gone ... He is not ... He never was ... He always was ... He is ... He is not ...

"My fellow Americans--"

We must begin again.
We can't.
Youth must go on.

                          We are no longer young.

                                                                 Dorothy E. Beck
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