Page 19 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 19

I had little time for daydreaming as I "hot   now dry and warmed only by natural body heat.
walked" the filly. When one is leading $4000        "I guess she's OK to be put on the van now.
worth of horse there is little time lor it. Ahead   You know, Bob, I think she was the victim of
of me was a small pile of straw one of the          a bad ride. Next time we'll get Eddie to ride
guineas had raked in his section of the shed-       her. The last time he was up on her she did
row. It was slowly becoming scattered wi th         fine. "
the passing of countless horses and men.
                                                         Today an "also ran", but next week ....
      It was feeding time and with the filled       That's what keeps us in this game. Something
feed tubs hanging before the stalls, the filly     Mr. Average Racing Fan with his Racing Form
kept constantly trying to grab a mouthful as        and tip sheets will never understand---the
she walked by. She was slowly relaxing, the        dream. Being able to hope and plan and some-
aroma of sweet molasses feed erasing the           times, not necessarily often, end up in the
remembrance of the starting gate, ringing of       winner's circle.
the bell, and the roar of the crowd.
                                                         As the two of us, the filly and I, rode
      "How does she feel?" Mr. Doublas asked       back to the farm on the van, I took a copy of
as we approached. He slipped his hand under        the condi rion book out of my pock et. "You
the net sheet and felt her chest which was by      know, girl, there's a race next Wednesday that
                                                   ought to sui t you fine. Just fin e!"

                                                                                    Charles R . McGinnes

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