Page 111 - YB1992
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Ivory Knight (top) and C.C. Ryder GLS).\ Although Ihe Gay and Les- 10 the Student Bookstore was bian Student Alliance was go- filled with information and dis- ing through a transitional pe- plays on homosexuality and riod this year, it still held to- the GLSA, gether and found time to spon- Spring semester started off sor several campus-wide with a Female Impersonator activities. Through Gay Show, entitled "It ain't no Awareness Week and a Fe- Drag!!" Five males in drag male Impersonator Show, the performed lip syncs to popular GLSA raised student aware- music during the show. Al- Jackee Ramsey lip syncs her heart VictoriaVIU)len proves that "It ain't ness of gays and lesbians in though the attendance to the out at the GLSA's Female 1mper- no Drag!!" senator Show, society. show was small, all who at- Gay Awareness Week pro- tended enjoyed watching the vided homosexual students lip syncs. "I was a bit shocked with an opportunity to "come at first, but overall, it was quite out of the closet" and reveal entertaining," staled junior their homosexuality. During Tony Rosas, who attended the thai week, the showcase next show Organizations 105
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