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SOUNDS Of SilENCE Throughout Maryland, were offered this year: Amer- dents were deaf themselves Western Maryland College is iean Sign Language CASL), Deaf Education students well-known for its Deaf Edu- Signed English, and Finger- learned to use their signing calion undergraduate and spelling, as well as courses abilities in many out-ot-ctass- graduate programs. Many stu- for more advanced sign lan- room ways across the WMC oents, both deaf and hearing, guage students. Other cours- campus this year. Several stu- are familiar with the Center on es taught the impact of deaf- dents served as interpreters Deafness, located in Thomp- ness on everyday life, and how for the deaf, both in class- son Building on Main Street to relate, on an educational rooms and in out-of-classroom This year, undergraduate stu- level, to the hearing impaired. activities, such as plays, lee- dents who were especially in- In the graduate program for tures, and honors ceremonies. terested in Deaf Education Deaf Education, students pre- In addition, students who lived could live in the Sign lan- pare to be teachers pf the in the Sign language suite in guage suite in Daniel Mac Lea deaf. Although most of the Daniel Mac Lea were able to Several undergraduate students in this program were interact with each other using courses in Sign Language hearing, one-third of the stu- their signing skills. Denise Brown, a graduate student in the Deaf Counseling program, serves as an interpreter. Organizalions 109
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