Page 108 - YB1992
P. 108
sore, SHOO'rlNG HIGH "LEADERSHIP EXCEL- gram as "a way to provide the as repelling, mountaineering, LENCE STARTS HERE!" This U.S. Army with leaders fu- and special operations. A sub- assertion by lieutenant Colo- ture officer material." division of the Ranger Platoon nel Joseph M. Cinquino, a Pro- How do WMC students be- is Ranger Challenge, appro- fessor of Military Science, in- come "future officer materi- priately termed by some as the troduces future Army ROTC al"? Each week, all ROTC stu- "ROTC team sport." This year, cadets into their military train- dents attend one class and nine of Western Maryland's ing here at WMC. For about 45 participate in one leadership ROTC members participated Western Maryland students, laboratory. They must also in the Ranger Challenge. In the Reserve Officers' Training maintain a high standard of late October, these men com- Corps program is an important physical condition, learn to use peted against Ranger Chal- part of their lives. and clean various weapons lenge groups from schools The full, four-year ROTC used by the U.S. Army, and un- throughout he region, in sev- program has two parts: a two- derstand the purpose, organ- eral physically demanding year Basic Course, followed ization, and customs of the events. These events included by a two-year Advanced U.S. Army, the Army Reserve, a rope bridge climb and a gre- Course. Those who complete and the Army National Guard. nade assault, and ended with the entire course receive the Approximately 15 of the 45 a five-mile cross-country race. rank of Second lieutenant in ROTC members from this year Our Ranger Challenge group the U.S. Army. John Faris, participated in the Ranger placed 7th out of the 32,tn.Hoot., sophomore ROTC member, Platoon, a voluntary group of schools in the region. Sophomore John Faris prepares lor describes the goal of Western cadets who receive additional his early morning ROTC workout. Maryland's Army ROTC pro- training in specific areas such 102 Organization
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