Page 110 - YB1992
P. 110
This year, the Black Stu- On the more serious side, dent Union (BSU) was strong- the BSU sponsored several er and more active than ever speakers during Black History before. Dances, meetings, and Month, and later during the Los even a rally were on the asen- Angeles race riots. The da for these past spring and speech on the L.A. riots oc- fall semesters. Black aware- curred during the last week of ness was spread through classes, but many students Black History Month, held in took time from last-minute February. school work to attend. Those Several BSUsponsored who attended were so rnoti- dances were held, with in- vated by the speakers that a creasing attendance for each rally and march were planned one. The Dining Porch was the for the following day, May 7 site of the joint BSU-Honors Despite the epur-ot-tbe-mo- dance during lall semester men! planning, the rally and The BSU's final dance, held in march drew a crowd large the Pub, drew a large crowd, enough to earn a spot in the with load, dancing, and drinks Carroll County Times the tor- for all. lowing day. Students dance to the D.J.'s music at the BSU "Jam" In the Pub. 104 Organizations
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