Page 106 - YB1992
P. 106
'NN\CR: ON THE AIR "When I gal out of high the end of this year, we also er, however, the transmitters school, my goal in life was 10 heard WMCR (without all of will be too strong for each oth- be a deejay," declares David the static of past years) er, and will essentially cancel Miller, a junior majoring in through the P.A. system as we each other out. Until a solution communications. Those goals walked through the Decker is found, WMCA listeners of have changed a bit since Da- College Center. In addition, the the present and future will be vid graduated from high school dedicated deejays of WMCR restricted to those with cable three years ago, but he still kept playing the tunes from hook-up for their television continues his hobby of dee- noon 'till :30 a.m., Sundays sets. jaying. leading the crew at through Fridays, keeping the This year, WMCA had ap- Western Maryland's own radio late-night stu dyers company. proximately 45 disc jockeys, station, WMCR. As in past years, few stu- all of whom were student vol- Since 1987, Western Mar- dents were able to receive the unteers. For most of them, yland students and faculty 640 a.m. radio signal on their their only training was a one- have been listening to their fa- stereos, and were forced to hour session led by David Mill- vorite tunes over the waves of listen through their television er at the start of the year, and 640 a.m. radio and Cable speakers. For the past few plenty of on-the-job training. Channel 3, better known as years, this has been a serious They were a very diverse WMCR. This past year, we be- dilemma for the radio station, group, ranging from freshmen came even better acquainted because it cannot be easily to seniors, and playing eve- with David and some of his remedied. Although transmit- rything from jazz to top 40 to other disc jockeys, as they ters for the station are located hard core. The only thing they oeelaveo school dances, in- on each dormitory, the WMCA had in common, it seems, was cluding the Undertaker's Ball their old motto, "We only play for Halloween and the Phi Mu cool music. ' And that they did. us what he uses to select programs. L.P.'s for some variety. 100 Organilsliona
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