Page 112 - YB1992
P. 112
NonTraditional student Karen An- derson takes her studies seriously_ The traditional college stu- real life first, and then go to The only problems with com- dent is usually described as a college. muting to school seems to be student between the ages of With the new rules requiring finding a car, gas money, and 18 and 22, who lives in college freshmen, sophomores, and, a parking space for class. dormitories and sends his or next year, juniors, to live on About 40 students here at her laundry home to Mom. campus, the number of com- WMC are classified as "non- Many Western Maryland ColĀ· muters is quickly dwindling, but traditional." These students lege students, however, find there are still those students are over 25 years of age, and ways to break that tradition. who choose to live with their usually have already had a job Living at home and commuting parents in Westminster or oth- and started a family. Other to school is a way of life for a er local towns. In many ways, than that, they are just regular large minority of students commuting is a great alter- students with normal majors Some other students break the native to living on campus. For and goals. Like most stu- tradition completely by being one, home cooking is a nice dents, they can often be spot- a part of the Non-Traditional relief from Glar food. Also, liv- ted at football games, lec- Student Organization, a group ing at home is a less costly, tures, dances, and study ses- of students who decided to try quieter escape from dorm life. sions. 106 Organizations
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