Page 104 - YB1992
P. 104
R.Et).\'1ftf'1G 'If ~• po. f'IE'JY5 ...t The Phoenix, Crossroads, ups and downs of the past Contrast. . These names are year. Alllhree publications are all quite familiar to most WMC different in their own ways, but students. We were kept up to they share the common goal date on the current happen- of expressing the thoughts and ings in both school and corn- accomplishments of the stu- munily through the weekly dents of today. The staffs and publications of the Phoenix. contributors of these Contrast, published at the end publ ications worked hard of each semester, displayed throughout the year to give you the best of WMC's student something to hold on to and artwork, photography, poetry, look back on in the future. We and essays. And this book you hope you have enjoyed these are now reading is cross- publications and will treasure roads, our way of reviewing the Crossroads editor Tony Rosas In- structs his statl on layout tech- niques Contrast members; front: Amy Pel- sinsky, Tracie Boggess, Angela Tremain; back: Dee Ledger, Malt Bayley, Marrielle Ainsworth 98 OrQanizations
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