Page 40 - YB1991
P. 40
Tri-Beta members Joanne Mitchell, Valerie Funk and Roy Zipp sell funnel Spring! Skip Squires can ieei it It's Here! S~:~~g2;;i~~S~zr::~: pus organizations had tables pring made it to WMC on they where sold food, including a beautiful day to be out on the hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn, Some groups had games such as Quad, and many ended up with a number wheel and throw the sunburns. But no one minded pie. J.T. and Mike and an aca since the day marked the begin- pella group, J.Q. and the Ban ning of "Dead Week" - the dtts, performed. Steve Trash, a week prior 10 final exams and novelty artist, also entertained the last week of classes A full day of fun and sun, Spring Fling 1991 was fun for Spring Fling '91 was a huge suc- all. Sponsored by CAPBoard, the cess. Hopefully, the annual even! day was filled with food and will remain a pari of many WMC drinks, entertainment, and car- springs to come! nival games. A number of earn- 36 ~ Life
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