Page 38 - YB1991
P. 38
ROTC in the field. Steve Harlan points out the best path to follow through the woods Reactions h.e situation in the Middle. representation of the American East claimed our atten Friends Service Committee ex- T lion for a large part of the plained the registration proce- school year. As it affected the dure for conscientious objector rest of the world, it affected status. Western Maryland College The Political Science and Mil· Though opinions were divided, itary Science departments, also everyone watched the news on sponsored a Middle East forum January 16, as we went to war. on April 2. A panel, including A number of WMC alumni and faculty and students from the Ar· students were involved. Recent my War College of Carlisle, graduates Rob Dixon, Pat Fee- Pennsylvania, discussed the re- han, Mike Kunzer, and Kathy gion and how well the objectives Perry-Crolla and current stu- of coalition nations were met. dents Greg Noisette and Scott Sergeant Major Carter of the Tinney all served in the Persian Military Science department said Gulf forces. Letters were written he was not sure how WMC's Ar and prayers were said for their my ROTC program will be af- safe return home. Many wore fected by the war, if at all. As yellow ribbons. of yet, the number of ROTC stu- On the home front, reactions dents has not dropped. Carter varied. A rally for peace and jus- said that if there was to be a low- tice was held by the Coalition for er number of incoming students Peace and Justice in Baker Me for the ROTC program, it would morial Chapel on February 6. A not be seen until next year. variety of speakers, including Although opinions varied on- students and members of the campus as they did around the community were featured. Dina world, everyone at WMC hoped Soliman urged people to "Keep for peace and the safe return of asking why! It's easier to sit back, our men and women throughout watch CNN and accept it. But the entire situation in the Persian for your own benefit, keep ask- Gulf ing why." On the same day, a 34 Student Life
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