Page 42 - YB1991
P. 42
Seniors were everywhere you looked (It the party in the Forum on the night Senior Helen Lowe watches the annual before graduation. Mike Shanahan en- senior softball game joys his last night on campus. Senior Party he ann. ualsen. iorwe.ek be- of England and President Bush gan on May 12 with an were there! And they got to see T overmght trip to Ocean just how big Jose Canseco's arms City. Luckily, the weather was really are! good, and everyone had a good The Booze Cruise out of Bal. time. Monday night was Champs timore's Inner Harbor was Night (strange for many, since scheduled for Thursday night. It they're so used to gOing on was a great night for a boat ride Thursday night). But what a way - the weather and the mood to start the week! Five dollars all were perfect! you can drink and good music Friday, Baccalaureate was made the class of 1991 very held, and there was a reception happy! And the group who par- on the President's lawn attar- tied with the Sig Eps afterward wards. It was a relief to get out continued the fun nearly all night side into the evening air after the long! Might as well - no class heat of the over-filled Baker Me- in the morning! morial Chapel. Later that night Tuesday night was another bar was the all-campus party in the night for many seniors. The bus Forum and on the dining porch. es that took students to the pub Beer and wine, mock tails, food crawl in Fells Point were full of and dance filled the night for sen- laughter and noise as they head- iors, faculty, families, and friends ed for Baltimore. The night end- A sunny, drunken week is how ed late as the pubs closed down. many will remember Senior Wednesday night was for the Week 1991. But most of all they birds - the Orioles! Although remember it as their last week we lost to Oakland, the seniors spent on Western Maryland Col got to be at Memorial Stadium lege campus. All will have fond the same night that the Queen memories. 38 Student Life
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