Page 36 - YB1991
P. 36
Different voice., different views. A diverse student panel including Michal Hall and Carole Sygroves, lead a discus- - . --~ ~ : \' r One World that caused uled were activities he purpose of a liberal T :~~ dceo~l~;eti~ t~:;too~: a lot of people to think about the schools of thought and studies fact that we are all same in many ways. We should to make an ef- Diversity Day, held this year in fort to get over the difference to April on the Quad, expanded on realize the similarities. A few of this idea. "One World", the the planned events were per- theme for the day, presented the formances by the college choir, world as one in which there are the Sounds of Silence organiza- a great many different people tion, a student panel, and a drum living together. To live in har- circle. Through these activities mony, it is important to under- on Diversity Day, eyes were stand and be tolerant of those opened and many were remind- "different" from you. ed to open their minds, as well! The events that were sched- 32'" Student life
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